Dress for Success - Event Form Submission
What is the name of your organization?
Contact Information
First Name
Last Name
What type of event are you requesting? (Please note that TWI events are strictly for ages 16-24)
Teen Workforce Initiative
Mobile Career Center
Career Center Workshop
Will this event include a workshop?
What type of event is this?
Job Fair
Hiring Event
Community Event
Resource Fair
The DFSP Mobile Career Center only service events in Maricopa County
Location Address
Location City
Location Zip Code
Estimated Number of Participants
All Mobile Career Center requests will be for 2 days of
Day 1 will consist of TWI presentations of services to be rendered on site and services to be
offered long term through the program and it to collect participants information for styling on
Day 2.
Day 2 will consist of Mobile Career Center onsite to style participants for interviews, internships, externships, volunteerism, competitions, etc.
How many classrooms will be in the workshop?
Please select...
Day 1: Date and Time for Classroom #1
Day 2: Date and Time for Classroom #1
Day 1: Date and Time for Classroom #2
Day 2: Date and Time for Classroom #2
How many Seniors will be in attendance?
DFSP Mobile Career Center events strictly suits seniors.
When are you hoping to schedule this event?
Preferred Start Time
Contact Information