One of
VAC’s key roles in Camden is helping local residents and communities’ setup & manage groups, projects and activities that help address local needs and
We can help
you with:
Clarify what you want your project or group to
achieve and what you need to do to get there
Choosing a legal structure
Writing a constitution
Registering as a charity or other community
group e.g. CIC Social Enterprise etc.
Find premises or hot-desking to work from
Opening a bank account
IT (systems, websites, database, social media).
your organisation
Business planning
Recruiting & supporting trustees
Employment & HR advice
Safeguarding training and child protection legislation
Service and project development
Financial advice
Manage Insurance & Risk
Developing policies & strategies
Evaluation & impact measurement
Connect with other groups
Influencing policy and strategic decision-making
Developing strategies to raise funds
Search for funding using grantfinder software
Writing funding applications
Preparing project budgets
Reviewing applications before submitting.