The Diamond Challenge 2023 Pitch Event Partner End of Year Report

Diamond Challenge 2021Diamond Challenge 2021Diamond Challenge 2021
Diamond Challenge 2021Diamond Challenge 2021
Please complete this report no later than Wednesday, April 19 at 11:59 p.m. U.S. EST.

Please Note: We are requesting this information for historical data record-keeping, grant and award proposal and reporting purposes. Please be accurate in your responses. 
General Partnership Data

Pitch Event Data

Additional Programming Data

Promotional Deliverables
Please include at least three of your favorite high quality images from your year as a Diamond Challenge partner. (i.e. information sessions, incubator sessions, trainings, etc.) Please ensure all images are in high resolution. 

Please provide at least three testimonials from individuals you worked with throughout the Diamond Challenge experience. These might be from judges, partners, sponsors, students or any other member of your constituency. Please provide the first and last name(s) of each quoted individual. 

Recruitment, Fundraising and Summit Free Response

Organization-Oriented and Pitch Event Free Response

Partnership Processes Free Response

Please upload any other documents you may want to share with our team. Examples include articles, government awards and recognition, etc.

Thank you for changing the world through entrepreneurship! 
The Diamond Challenge Team