Admin / Discord Moderation - Are you great with a computer? Love data? We need you!
Camp OUTdoors - Cabin Counselors and workshop facilitators needed for regular camp sessions including 2gether N Color and Trans/Gender Non-Conforming retreats.
CareerQUEER Mentor - Share your professional expertise and experiences with young folks in career-focused cohorts hosted by POND Workforce navigators.
Common Thread - Support youth in learning valuable skills in hand sewing and mending at workshops held at the Youth Center throughout the year.
Community OUTreach - Share the mission and distribute materials at info tables during public events, festivals, and resource fairs.
Donation Drives - POND Housing Drives, Hygiene Product Drives, Clothing Drives
Donation Organization - With many donations comes many organizing opportunities!
Event Preparation - Assist in the days leading up to big events like Camp OUTdoors and Fresh Brunch, perfect for employee groups!
Fundraiser Support - Employee groups can help with essential roles at Fresh Brunch, Dancing for one·n·ten, and National Coming Out Day.
Gender Affirming Closet - Bring your fun fashion sense and refresh the wardrobe seasonally.
Handy Help - We do parade float building, furniture assembly, and other small projects.
Hero's Circle Events - Help us as we thank our regular donors in fun invite-only events.
HalloQween - Join us to decorate, read tarot cards, face paint, DJ, and more!
IncrEdibles - Gather your employee group and sponsor a meal served to the youth before a program in the Youth Center or a satellite location.
OUTscouts - Hit the trail with the OUTscouts for wilderness adventures throughout the year!
Queermas - Help make the magic happen, running games, serving food, set up and clean up.
Weekly Youth Program - Dedicated weekly volunteers support staff and youth in programs at the Downtown Phoenix Youth Center or at a Satellite location.
Wellness Support - Serve healthy foods to the youth and assist the Youth Center team with pre-program needs, weekly or bi-weekly from 2:30-5PM.
WorkOUT Wednesday - Host a variety of exercise and workout activities in the Youth Center once or twice a month from 3:15-5PM.