CCR Mediation Skills Training Scholarship Application

As part of CCR's mission to work with individuals, communities, courts, and other institutions to manage and resolve conflict, CCR wants to encourage individuals to attend our trainings regardless of financial ability.

Individuals who wish to the attend CCR’s Mediation Skills Training, but for whom the cost of the training would be a financial hardship, may apply for a full or partial waiver of the registration fee. Individuals should clearly outline how they will use the training to further CCR's mission, state the specific amount of the waiver sought, and state the preferred training program and dates the individual wants to attend. Even if you are selected for a fee waiver, CCR requires all participants to pay the $300 deposit, at minimum. The $300 deposit is non-transferable and non-refundable. We are also able to work with individuals to create payment plans if that is a better option for you.

Because CCR trainings fill up quickly, we request that financial hardship applications be submitted no later than one month (30 days) prior to the start of the training program.
  • Early Spring: Applications for Early Spring are due on or before 1/30/25, and we will notify applicants about our decision on or before 2/6/25.
  • April: Applications for the April session are due on or before 3/17/25, and we will notify applicants aout our decision on or before 3/24/25
  • July: Applications for the July in-person session are due 6/10/25, and we will notify applicants about our decision on or before 6/17/25
These scholarships are granted at the sole discretion of CCR, only for a limited number of applicants, and only when space is available. We regret that we will not be able to grant all hardship requests. Qualification will be based on, but not limited to, the following criteria: financial need and the applicant’s ability to help CCR further its mission. Per MCLE rules, attorneys who qualify will receive at least a 50% reduction in the course fee(s).

If CCR provides a partial waiver to an individual, they shall be responsible for paying the balance of the registration fee within one week in order to secure a spot in the training.

All requests will be kept confidential.
Trainee Details

Scholarship Application