The Chambers Pro Bono Framework

Joining The Framework

The Chambers Pro Bono Framework (The Framework) is an opportunity for all Chambers in England and Wales to establish their commitment to undertaking pro bono work and improving access to justice.  

The Framework is open to participation from all Chambers in England and Wales from January 2025 onwards. All pro bono work between January and December 2025 is included, regardless of when Chambers signs up. 

Statement of Commitment

W   We are committed to continuing The Framework in 2025, to promote pro bono work and support access to justice. 

       Pro bono work is always only an adjunct to, and not a substitute for, a proper system of publicly funded legal services, but we will encourage our barristers to make use of the opportunities that pro bono work presents, both to enhance their practice and to make a significant contribution to the community and the lives of individuals in need of assistance, who cannot afford to pay or obtain legal aid. 

We commit to:

  1. Appoint Pro Bono Champions in Chambers.
  2. Action pro bono work as a Chambers; aiming to reach the aspirational target of 10% of our barristers taking on some pro bono work, and strongly encouraging all pupils to take on a case in their second six. 
  3. Organise a seminar in Chambers on pro bono. 
  4. Report on the work done. 

Further Information

Click here to read The Framework

Click here to explore The Framework FAQs to find support available to you.  
Chambers Information

Establishing The Framework


Final Comments

Thank you for your commitment to establishing The Chambers Pro Bono Framework. We look forward to continuing to work with you and will be in touch soon with further resources to support you in undertaking the four actions. 
To submit the form please click 'Submit' below.