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Page 1

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation

Fieldset below will prefill with programme name, submission, public description and eligibility requirements
Application form
Thank you for submitting your application. 

We already have an application from you for this programme. You may not apply more than once for the same programme. 

If you believe you are seeing this message in error, please contact us.

Page 2

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
Programme Eligibility

Please read the following criteria to see if your organisation and your planned work fit the requirements of this fund.

Please answer honestly because we will not fund work that sits outside of these requirements.

We do not want you to spend time completing an application form that will not be considered for assessment. 

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
If you need help or want to talk to us about your funding idea you can contact us on grantsadmin@hiwcf.com.

This form is automatically word counted to help guide you to keep your answers focused; we are looking for your answers to be clear, honest and jargon free.  
Your Organisation
This set of questions is about the organisation applying. Please ensure these details are accurate because we will use them to stay in touch with you regarding this application

What is the official address of your group or organisation?

Additional details:

If your online profile is through a social media page rather than a website, please include a link to this.

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
Main Contact Person
This set of questions is about the person who we should contact about this bid. You can choose who is best, for example your Chair, or a volunteer/staff member leading on this work. 

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
Organisation Structure
This set of questions is about the type of organisation you are.

This can be an approximate date, to the nearest month and year.

We understand that staff numbers can change and that many organisations have a mix of part-time and full time staff. Please give us the approximate 'full time equivalent' number that you currently have. 

It is useful to tell us if you have your own governing documents.

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
Organisation Structure
This set of questions is about the type of organisation you are.

This only needs to be brief and should make clear the overall goal/s of your organisation.

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
Community Links
This set of questions is about how your organisation represents the communities that it supports. HIWCF thinks it is important to fund organisations that reflect the communities and the communities of interest that they support.

For example, this could be by having local people as trustees, by carrying out surveys, by having decision-making committees of people who are reflective of the communities/issues that you support. 

These could be organisations that refer to you/you refer to/who run joint events and services with you.

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
Organisation Finances
The next set of questions is about your organisation's finances. Please answer this section in relation to your organisation’s most recent financial year end.

Round to the nearest £. For new groups that have not yet completed a full year of activity, please enter 0

Round to the nearest £. For new groups that have not yet completed a full year of activity, please enter 0

Round to the nearest £. This is the amount of money you have available to carry into the next financial year, that has no restrictions or terms/conditions attached - so is available for general use

For example if you received a large grant in a different year to it being spent.

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
You are now moving to the section of the application form where you can tell us about the work that you would like funding for. 

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
Project: When
This set of questions is about the time period in which you will deliver the grant and the locations in which you will deliver the grant. 

Please refer to the guidance notes for the fund you are applying to

Please refer to the guidance notes for the fund you are applying to
Project: Where
We are a place-based funder and where your project takes place is important to us. Please read the guidance notes for the fund you are applying to - some funds only cover work running in certain locations.

For example, you may pick a local community hall where the work takes place. If your work is multi-site you can select up to three postcodes that best reflect the locations you will be active in.

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
Project Activities
This set of questions is all about the work that you would like this grant to fund. Please focus your answers on the specific work you are seeking funding for.

For example, are you going to be working with a target group of people such as young carers, or people who are unhoused? If the work is a general community initiative please tell us the area of support e.g. we will support all young people in the village of 'X'.
Please tell us about the activities you will run with the funding (the outputs of your project).

To help guide you to the detail we're after, we have broken down this big question into smaller questions all about your activities: 

For example, a youth group/ counselling sessions/ a training programme

For example, all sessions will be run on the village playfield

For example, we have a team of three volunteers who will deliver the eco-garden sessions

For example, will your group meet weekly, are you seeking funding for a large one-off event, will this fund a certain number of staff delivery hours each week?

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
Project Activities
This set of questions is all about the work that you would like this grant to fund. Please focus your answers on the specific work you are seeking funding for.

For example, we ask for regular feedback informally and through an annual survey, and the sessions we are seeking funding for are always at the top of the list.

This could be a range of ideas from choosing an accessible venue, to thinking about how you promote your project.

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
Project Successes
We know the grants that we make can create big changes in Hampshire and Isle of Wight communities. This set of questions are all about the difference that your work will make. 

For example, young people gain skills, housebound people feel less isolated.

In funding bids these changes are often called 'outcomes' and are written as positive statements - 'as a result of this funding we think that young people will know more about online safety'.

This could be outcome tools, attendance records, feedback forms, case studies. We know that capturing the changes that your project makes can be tricky and HIWCF can provide resources to help with this.

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
Project Reach: who will take part in the project?
This set of questions is all about the people who will take part in your project. We know that this will be an estimate, but please be guided by your experience and planning.

/* On this page, we are taking data from multiple questions and mapping them to a single multi-select picklist. Therefore:

@CONCATENATE these fields in the submission connector to generate a value for the Core_Project_Focus__c multi select picklist */

/* Map each of the following fields into the multi select picklist indicated */

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
Project Budget
This set of questions is about the budget for the project.
Please use the table below to tell us how much funding you are applying for.



This can include full and part-time staff connected to the grant delivery.

This can include: out of pocket expenses, volunteer training, DBS checks.

This can include all the costs of making your project run such as: room hire, publicity materials, refreshments, transport costs, consumables such as craft materials.

HIWCF will consider a contribution from the grant towards your overheads - the costs that would be in place whether you ran the project or not. This could be a contribution towards rent, or to core staff such as a CEO, administrator, or finance worker.

Please include in this budget line individual items of equipment that are over £50 each e.g. a laptop, a phone, a printer. Items under £50 or consumables should be listed under 'activity costs' e.g. a football, printer paper.


Your current request from HIWCF is more than the total cost of the project. Please check your figures carefully; we will not fund more than the total project cost.

Do you need other funding to run this project? Has the funding balance been secured?

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation
Supporting Documentation
The assessment of your application will involve HIWCF making sure that your community organisation has in place the policies and practice that will ensure the smooth running of grant-funded work.

Each of the following documents is a core part of the bid. You will not be able to submit your application without attaching these core documents.

Please do contact us if you have any questions about these, or are having any technical issues uploading documents.  

Please provide us with a copy of your governing document. If you are not registered on Companies House or the Charity Commission, please supply a signed and dated copy of your constitution.

Please submit a set of accounts showing income, expenditure and unrestricted reserves for your most recent year end. If you have been established for less than a year, please attach a budget for your first year of operation.

Please attach a copy of your safeguarding policy. 

We can only make grants to community organisations that have a bank account in the name of their organisation. Please provide a scanned copy of a bank statement no more than 3-months old to verify that you are eligible to apply.

Please attach a list giving the names of the people who are your Trustees/ Directors/Management Committee members.

Please attach a copy of your organisation’s policy around equalities. 

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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation