Girls Climb On Mentor Application

  • Thank you for your interest in Girls Climb On! Please fill out all questions thoroughly and submit the form. Incomplete applications will not be considered. We receive a high volume of applications and are not always able to reply to all applicants. We will be in touch with you if your application is selected for a follow up interview. If you have additional questions, please contact our Program Director,
  • Please Note: in accordance with industry standards for youth workers, all volunteer mentors are subject to background checks.
Volunteer Information

**Cisgender: term for someone who exclusively identifies as their sex assigned at birth. The term cisgender is not indicative of gender expression, sexual orientation, hormonal makeup, physical anatomy, or how one is perceived in daily life.

Check all that apply

What GCO courses do you want to mentor for?

COVID-19 Disclosure and Acknowledgement of Risk

At GirlVentures, our commitment to the health and wellbeing of our participants, staff and community members guides our risk management practices.   We have modified some of our practices to meet the new and challenging demands presented to us by Covid19.  GirlVentures has been actively monitoring and responding to the evolving situation of the coronavirus pandemic. We have consulted the resources provided by federal, state, and local public health agencies, peer organizations, and medical advisors. This is an evolving situation and our practices may change as we gain new information or  recommendations change. 

GirlVentures will use medical advice and our best judgment to decide when and under what conditions any courses will operate.  Activities or locations of courses may be changed or canceled, potentially at the last minute.  “Participants” as they are referred to in this waiver, includes all adults and youth under the instruction of GirlVentures staff on a GirlVentures program as well as any volunteers supporting that program.  “Staff” refers to employees of GirlVentures during the time period in which they are on payroll.  

While preventive measures are taken to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, on a GirlVentures program, the risk cannot be completely eliminated. 

When participating in a GirlVentures program, we ask you to understand and agree to the statements listed below.  Your understanding and agreement is demonstrated by signing this document, on behalf of yourself if you are over the age of 18 or for the minor in your primary care for whom you are signing.

  • The medical information given to GirlVentures is accurate and all pertinent medical conditions have been disclosed. 

  • I understand that GirlVentures’ admission of me (or the youth for whom I am signing) to the course is not intended as a representation that GirlVentures staff will be able to successfully manage a medical event or emergency related to a disclosed, or undisclosed, medical condition. 

  • GirlVentures reserves the right to refuse admission or remove a participant from a course for any reason it deems is in the best interest of the participant or the organization. 

  • At times participants will be in close physical proximity to one another or instructors. 

  • Illnesses may include communicable and other infectious diseases from insects, animals, or people such as diarrhea, flu-like or respiratory illness, and other debilitating or life-threatening conditions including COVID-19 and other diseases caused by coronaviruses. 

  • The remote locations of our courses may be far away from medical facilities. Communication and transportation may be difficult and evacuations and medical care may be significantly delayed. 

  • Decisions made by the instructors, other staff, contractors and participants will be based on a variety of perceptions and evaluations, which by their nature, are imprecise and subject to errors in judgment. Misjudgments may pertain to medical conditions, among other things.

Before Your Program

GirlVentures may require participants to exercise certain precautions before attending the course. 

People who are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 as defined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), including people older than 65 years of age  or people of any age with chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma, serious heart conditions, diabetes, liver or kidney disease, who are immunocompromised, or have severe obesity (BMI of 40 or higher) should carefully consider, in conjunction with their health care provider, whether to attend GirlVentures at this time. 

We request that you take steps to limit your exposure to SARS-CoV-2 for 14 days prior to and while traveling to your course. This includes practicing physical (social) distancing, wearing a mask or face covering when in public or when physical distancing is not possible, frequent hand washing, and monitoring your health for symptoms of COVID-19. 

Do not travel to your GirlVentures course if you have COVID-19 symptoms OR if you have tested positive for Covid-19 within the last 10 days.  Symptoms include the following:

  • Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Fever

  • Chills

  • Muscle pain

  • Sore throat

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Have been in close contact with someone suspected or confirmed as having COVID-19 in the past 14 days

  • You are confirmed or suspected as having COVID-19 in the past 14 days

GirlVentures has options for tuition credit, course transfer or refund in the case you need to cancel. 

During Your Program

Proof of vaccination is requested for all age-eligible participants upon registration for the program. For overnight programs, a rapid test may be administered to all participants on arrival, depending on rapid test availability. Participants who test positive for COVID-19 will not be allowed to go on the course.  

Masking and physical distancing will be practiced in all areas where it is required by state, federal, or local authority or a partner service such as a transportation company, or it is deemed in the best judgment of the instructors or GirlVentures staff to manage risk in a given setting.  

Hygiene, particularly hand washing, is an effective means to limit the spread of coronavirus and many other communicable diseases. Our hand washing practices will include having one or more hand wash stations set up in camp and regular times when everyone will wash their hands. In addition, you will be expected to wash your hands at other times as necessary. We will provide soap and hand sanitizer for your use. You will be expected to participate in and follow our hygiene practices throughout your course. 

For these measures to be effective it will require commitment and diligence from our participants and staff. Participants who, in our judgment, do not comply with these expectations may be expelled from the course. 

If a participant develops symptoms of COVID-19, they will be isolated from the group, we will seek medical advice, and follow our COVID-19 illness guidelines which may include evacuation. If required by local health authorities it’s possible that the whole course will be evacuated. Decision-making in this situation is without precedent so we’ll need to be flexible and adaptable. 

Due to the remote nature of our wilderness classrooms, if a participant is evacuated, it is unlikely they will be able to rejoin the course. 

All costs associated with an evacuation from a course are the responsibility of the student or the student’s family. We have the capacity to house and they will need to stay in local lodging until they are able or allowed, per medical advice, to return home. They will also need to make their own travel arrangements to return home. GirlVentures may be able to provide some assistance in finding lodging or arranging travel. 

I (or the minor for whom I am signing) have read and acknowledged the information regarding the risk of COVID-19 on my GirlVentures course.  I also confirm that I have not had any of the above mentioned symptoms, been diagnosed with Covid-19 or been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 within the past 14 days.


By typing your name into the box below, you are stating that you have read and agree to all above liability and health information. 


GirlVentures is a nonprofit corporation with the purpose of empowering adolescent girls to develop and express their strengths. 

Thank you for registering for a GirlVentures school year course!  

  • Payment via credit of debit card is required as part of the registration process for School Year Programs. Please read the Payment and Cancellation Policies before completing the application.
  • This application should be completed by the participant and a parent or legal guardian. Parent consent and signature are required
  • Proof of Covid-19 Vaccination is required to register. 
Participant Information
First Name

Last Name

Street Address



Zip Code

Primary Household Language


Cell Phone

Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy)

School Name

Graduation Date

Current Grade

Gender Identity

Cis female
Cis male
Transgender female
Transgender male
Prefer to self-identify
**Cisgender: term for someone who exclusively identifies as their sex assigned at birth. The term cisgender is not indicative of gender expression, sexual orientation, hormonal makeup, physical anatomy, or how one is perceived in daily life.

Racial Identity

African American or Black
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian American
Middle Eastern or North African
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Prefer to self-describe
Check all that apply

Clothing and Shoe Fittings
The following questions about body and clothing size are used for the fitting of clothing and safety equipment.  They are not regarded in our admissions decisions.



How did you find out about GirlVentures programs?

Please specify how you heard about GirlVentures.

Have you participated in a GirlVentures Course before?

Which One(s)?

Parent/Guardian 1 Info
First Name

Last Name



Does Parent/Guardian 1 have a DIFFERENT address than Participant?

Street Address



Zip Code

Add 2nd Parent Guardian

Parent/Guardian 2 Info
First Name

Last Name



Does Parent/Guardian 2 have a DIFFERENT address than Parent/Guardian 1

Street Address



Zip Code

Register for a 2024 School Year Course
Course(s) Applying For

GCO Pac Pipes Fall 2024
GCO Movement SF Fall 2024
Explore Outside Fall 2024

GirlVentures offers a sliding scale for all programs and all course tuition is partially subsidized from our fundraising efforts.  If you are able to pay an amount that is higher than any of the listed sliding scale options, but not as high as the next option up or above the highest listed amount, we welcome your contribution!  Please choose from the options listed to pay for this course and you may donate the difference here.

Number of people in your household?

Gross annual income of your household? 

GCO Movement SF
Amount you are able to pay for this program?

Request a Fee Waiver
Cost to Family

Tell us why you want to join this course

Do you know anyone applying to or enrolled in this course?


GCO Pac Pipes
Amount you are able to pay for this program?

Request a Fee Waiver
Cost to Family

Tell us why you want to join this course

Do you know anyone applying to or enrolled in this course?


Explore Outside
Amount you are able to pay for this program?

Request a Fee Waiver
Cost to Family

You have requested a fee waiver. We will be in touch with you shortly after we receive your application.
Tell us why you want to join this course

Do you know anyone applying to or enrolled in this course?


Payment Information
Your payment will be processed securely through Stripe
Total Amount to be charged

Credit Card Information
Name on Card

Card Number




Billing Email

COVID-19 Disclosure and Acknowledgement of Risk

At GirlVentures, our commitment to the health and wellbeing of our participants, staff and community members guides our risk management practices.   We have modified some of our practices to meet the new and challenging demands presented to us by Covid19.  GirlVentures has been actively monitoring and responding to the evolving situation of the coronavirus pandemic. We have consulted the resources provided by federal, state, and local public health agencies, peer organizations, and medical advisors. This is an evolving situation and our practices may change as we gain new information or  recommendations change. 

GirlVentures will use medical advice and our best judgment to decide when and under what conditions any courses will operate.  Activities or locations of courses may be changed or canceled, potentially at the last minute.  “Participants” as they are referred to in this waiver, includes all adults and youth under the instruction of GirlVentures staff on a GirlVentures program as well as any volunteers supporting that program.  “Staff” refers to employees of GirlVentures during the time period in which they are on payroll.  

While preventive measures are taken to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, on a GirlVentures program, the risk cannot be completely eliminated. 

When participating in a GirlVentures program, we ask you to understand and agree to the statements listed below.  Your understanding and agreement is demonstrated by signing this document, on behalf of yourself if you are over the age of 18 or for the minor in your primary care for whom you are signing.

  • The medical information given to GirlVentures is accurate and all pertinent medical conditions have been disclosed. 

  • I understand that GirlVentures’ admission of me (or the youth for whom I am signing) to the course is not intended as a representation that GirlVentures staff will be able to successfully manage a medical event or emergency related to a disclosed, or undisclosed, medical condition. 

  • GirlVentures reserves the right to refuse admission or remove a participant from a course for any reason it deems is in the best interest of the participant or the organization. 

  • At times participants will be in close physical proximity to one another or instructors. 

  • Illnesses may include communicable and other infectious diseases from insects, animals, or people such as diarrhea, flu-like or respiratory illness, and other debilitating or life-threatening conditions including COVID-19 and other diseases caused by coronaviruses. 

  • The remote locations of our courses may be far away from medical facilities. Communication and transportation may be difficult and evacuations and medical care may be significantly delayed. 

  • Decisions made by the instructors, other staff, contractors and participants will be based on a variety of perceptions and evaluations, which by their nature, are imprecise and subject to errors in judgment. Misjudgments may pertain to medical conditions, among other things.

Before Your Program

GirlVentures may require participants to exercise certain precautions before attending the course. 

People who are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 as defined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), including people older than 65 years of age  or people of any age with chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma, serious heart conditions, diabetes, liver or kidney disease, who are immunocompromised, or have severe obesity (BMI of 40 or higher) should carefully consider, in conjunction with their health care provider, whether to attend GirlVentures at this time. 

We request that you take steps to limit your exposure to SARS-CoV-2 for 14 days prior to and while traveling to your course. This includes practicing physical (social) distancing, wearing a mask or face covering when in public or when physical distancing is not possible, frequent hand washing, and monitoring your health for symptoms of COVID-19. 

Do not travel to your GirlVentures course if you have COVID-19 symptoms OR if you have tested positive for Covid-19 within the last 10 days.  Symptoms include the following:

  • Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Fever

  • Chills

  • Muscle pain

  • Sore throat

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Have been in close contact with someone suspected or confirmed as having COVID-19 in the past 14 days

  • You are confirmed or suspected as having COVID-19 in the past 14 days

GirlVentures has options for tuition credit, course transfer or refund in the case you need to cancel. 

During Your Program

Proof of vaccination is requested for all age-eligible participants upon registration for the program. For overnight programs, a rapid test may be administered to all participants on arrival, depending on rapid test availability. Participants who test positive for COVID-19 will not be allowed to go on the course.  

Masking and physical distancing will be practiced in all areas where it is required by state, federal, or local authority or a partner service such as a transportation company, or it is deemed in the best judgment of the instructors or GirlVentures staff to manage risk in a given setting.  

Hygiene, particularly hand washing, is an effective means to limit the spread of coronavirus and many other communicable diseases. Our hand washing practices will include having one or more hand wash stations set up in camp and regular times when everyone will wash their hands. In addition, you will be expected to wash your hands at other times as necessary. We will provide soap and hand sanitizer for your use. You will be expected to participate in and follow our hygiene practices throughout your course. 

For these measures to be effective it will require commitment and diligence from our participants and staff. Participants who, in our judgment, do not comply with these expectations may be expelled from the course. 

If a participant develops symptoms of COVID-19, they will be isolated from the group, we will seek medical advice, and follow our COVID-19 illness guidelines which may include evacuation. If required by local health authorities it’s possible that the whole course will be evacuated. Decision-making in this situation is without precedent so we’ll need to be flexible and adaptable. 

Due to the remote nature of our wilderness classrooms, if a participant is evacuated, it is unlikely they will be able to rejoin the course. 

All costs associated with an evacuation from a course are the responsibility of the student or the student’s family. We have the capacity to house and they will need to stay in local lodging until they are able or allowed, per medical advice, to return home. They will also need to make their own travel arrangements to return home. GirlVentures may be able to provide some assistance in finding lodging or arranging travel. 

I (or the minor for whom I am signing) have read and acknowledged the information regarding the risk of COVID-19 on my GirlVentures course.  I also confirm that I have not had any of the above mentioned symptoms, been diagnosed with Covid-19 or been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 within the past 14 days.


By typing your name into the box below, you are stating that you have read and agree to all above liability and health information. 

By checking this box you agree to the Covid 19 Disclosure and Acknowledgement Risk. 
Parent/Guardian Name

Acknowledgement of Risk

GirlVentures is a nonprofit corporation with the purpose of empowering adolescent girls to develop and express their strengths. 

In consideration of the services of their officers, agents, employees,  and stockholders, and all other persons or entities associated with those businesses (hereafter collectively referred to as “GirlVentures”) I agree as follows:  

Awareness and Assumption of Risk I understand that activities in GirlVentures’ programs have inherent risks that may arise from the activities themselves, my own actions or inactions, or the actions or inactions of GirlVentures, its directors, officers, employees and agents, volunteers, and others present at GirlVentures program sites, or conditions at program sites. 

Certain risks are inherent in each activity.  These inherent risks are some of the same elements that contribute to the unique character of this activity and can be the cause of loss or damage to my equipment, or accidental injury, illness, or in extreme  cases, permanent trauma or death. GirlVentures does not want to frighten me or reduce my enthusiasm for this  activity, but believes it is important for me to know in advance what to expect and to be informed of the  inherent risks. The following describes some, but not all, of those risks.  

These risks may include, but are not limited to: transportation, failure or malfunction of equipment, exposure to elements, high altitude and extreme weather and related injuries including frostbite, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, sunburn, hypothermia, hyperthermia and dehydration; rock falls, falling trees, avalanches or lightning strikes; crossing or climbing rock, snow or ice; river crossings, rapids, impacting the water, water intrusion, fording or portaging; falls, uneven terrain and other outdoor risks; injury to limbs and extremities, including inflammation, strains, nerve damage, compression and broken bones; attack by insects, reptiles or other wild animals; contact with poisonous plants; discharge of weapons in or near the area of activity; or loss of balance, physical coordination, or ability to follow instructions.

I understand the description of these inherent risks is not complete and that other unknown or unanticipated  inherent risks may result in injury or death. I agree to assume and accept full responsibility for the inherent risks identified herein and those inherent risks not specifically identified, regardless of cause. My participation in this activity is purely voluntary; no one is forcing me to participate, and I elect to participate in spite of and with full knowledge of the  inherent risks.  

I acknowledge that engaging in this activity may require a degree of skill and knowledge different from other activities and that I have responsibilities as a participant.  For my safety and that of others, I agree to comply with GirlVentures’ policies, safety rules and other directions for all activities. If I become aware of any hazardous condition or danger at a GirlVentures program site, I will alert GirlVentures staff at once.

I certify that I am fully capable of participating in this activity. Therefore, I assume and accept full responsibility for myself, including all minor children in my care, custody, and control, for bodily injury, death, or loss of  personal property and expenses as a result of those inherent risks and dangers identified herein and those  inherent risks and dangers not specifically identified, and as a result of my negligence in participating in this  activity.  

I have carefully read, clearly understood, and accepted the terms and conditions stated herein and acknowledge  that this agreement shall be effective and binding upon me, my heirs, assigns, personal representative, and estate  and for all members of my family, including minor children. 


At GirlVentures, I may have access to confidential information. At all times during and after my participation, I agree to hold any such confidential information in confidence and not disclose or use it except as required in my GirlVentures activities or as GirlVentures’ executive director expressly authorizes in writing.


I consent to the use by GirlVentures of my image, voice, name and/or story in any format, including video, print, or electronic (collectively, the “Materials”), as GirlVentures may deem appropriate to carry out its mission. GirlVentures may make the Materials available at its discretion to third parties, on GirlVentures’ website, in GirlVentures’ publications, or through any other media, including social networking websites. I waive any right to inspect of approve the finished product or to receive any payment. I grant GirlVentures all copyrights in the Materials and waive any legal claims, including those relating to copyrights, or rights of publicity or privacy.

Medical Care Consent I authorize GirlVentures to provide first aid, and, through medical personnel of its choice, medical assistance, transportation and emergency medical services. This consent does not impose a duty upon GirlVentures to provide such assistance, transportation, or services. In addition, I waive and release any claims against the Released Parties arising out of any first aid, treatment or medical service, including the lack of timing of such, made in connection with my activities with GirlVentures.


By typing your name into the box below, you are stating that you have read and agree to all above liability and health information. 

By checking this box you agree to the Waiver & Acknowledgement Release. 
Parent/Guardian Name

Please enter the email address that should receive a copy of this application. 
Stripe Customer ID

Stripe Payment Method ID

Stripe Payment Intent ID

Stripe Setup Intent ID

Stripe Subscription ID(s)

Stripe Charge ID


By typing your name into the box below, you are stating that you have read and agree to all above liability and health information.