AASW Maurice Blackburn Lawyers referral form - Family members
Your first name
Your surname
Email address
Mobile number
How are you related to the AASW member?
Please select...
Partner or Spouse
Parent (including stepparent)
Child (including stepchild)
Sibling (including step-sibling)
AASW member's number (if known)
AASW member's first name
AASW member's surname
Your legal matter
Please note that if your legal matter is related to Workplace Industrial Relations, there will be a fee.
Is your matter one of the following?
Please select...
Court matters
Mandatory reporting
Personal injury
Workplace industrial relations
Something else
If something else, what?
Please detail the specifics of your enquiry.
How did you find out about this service?
AASW member told me about it
AASW website
Maurice Blackburn website
Social media
Media coverage
Something else
If something else, what?
Contact Information