Expression of Interest: AASW On-demand CPD

Specific learning outcomes for participants. Consider how you will create the opportunity for learners to achieve these when selecting your verbs.

Examples include: Identify, Understand, Analyse, Apply, Implement, Evaluate, Demonstrate.

All CPD Activities undergo a Quality Assurance process. AASW hosted CPD Activities and AASW online CPD Activities are bound by the following quality standards.

Program Education and Design Standards

1.   Content

1.1   is created from evidence-based practice

1.2   is relevant and contextualised to learner cohort

1.3   is aligned to current professional climate and context

1.4   is designed and reviewed by qualified and experienced Subject Matter Experts


2.   Program

2.1   learning outcomes are explicit and achievable

2.2   is aligned to the AASW Capability Framework

2.3   is designed around authentic professional practice tasks

2.4   is co-designed for teaching quality with a senior instructional designer (Short course learning only)

2.5   applies active learning principles to enhance engagement

2.6   features self-reflective activities to enhance professional practice

2.7   includes self-assessment checks so participants can self-measure learning

2.8   implements high quality learner experience design to enhance engagement

2.9   is evaluated by program participants and the AASW team


3.   Ethical standards

3.1   Real-life case studies, examples and scenarios will be de-identified or informed consent will be obtained by the presenter from relevant parties

Version 1.1 effective February 2022

AASW CPD Program Manager