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General Information
Enter "N/A" if not applicable
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What product is being returned?
Serial # / Date Code
Reason for Return
Please select...
Finish Issues / Chrome peeling (Manual Guns, automatic guns, pumps)
Air leak (Manual Guns, automatic guns, pumps)
Fluid Leak (Manual Guns, automatic guns, pumps)
Gun Body Cracks / Defects (Manual Guns, automatic guns)
Gun Not spraying properly/not meeting specifications (Manual Guns, automatic guns)
Pump not operating properly
Other issue
Warranty Policy
Add Non-Warranty Policy
Click Text Below for Policy
Warranty Policy
Non-Warranty Policy
Proof of Purchase
As a picture / if applicable for warranty.
By clicking the submit button on page 2, you are agreeing to our Warranty and Non-Warranty policies.
Describe the issue and attach pictures/videos.
Upload File(s) Here
When did the problem start, and how long have you been using the product before the issue started?
Where is the issue on the product?
What are you cleaning the product with? Any abrasive cleaners or pads used for cleaning?
Are you using an automatic gun washer?
How often do you clean the product?
What paints/fluids are you spraying?
Where is the air leaking from?
Have you had this issue before?
What pressure is the leak occurring at?
Where is the fluid leaking from?
Have you had this issue before?
What pressure is the leak occurring at?
What fluids are you spraying/cleaning with?
Where Is the crack located?
How did the crack happen?
What coating are you spraying? What is its viscosity?
What air pressures and fluid pressure (if applicable) are you spraying at?
Did the gun spray this way out of the box, or previously sprayed fine and now is having an issue?
What coating are you spraying? What is its viscosity?
What air pressure is the pump operating at? If it has one, what is the fluid regulator set at?
What gun are you using with this pump?
What airline/fluid line sizes and lengths are you using?