Temple Isaiah Kitchen Donor Tile Wall

**Tile wall design and sizes subject to change based on final rendering and plans for construction

Thank you for your generous donation to help us transform the Temple Isaiah kitchen into a center of innovation in honor of Tamar Andrews' service to our Preschool and community. Our new kitchen will enable us to provide nourishing snacks and special occasional meals for our preschoolers and staff, hosting cooking classes and demonstrations, and provide countless opportunities for our community to come together over the magic of food.

We extend a special thank you to our lead donors whose generosity and investment in Temple Isaiah helped to jumpstart this project: Mount Sinai Memorial Parks and Mortuaries, Elizabeth and Glen Friedman, Virginia and Norman Solomon, Lila and Robert Hanasab, Rebecca and Bobby Khorshidi.

Your information:

Tile Selection

*We are grateful for donations of all amounts, recognition on the tile wall will start at $1,000
6" x 6" - $25,000

Please write your tile inscription below. Please note the number of lines and character count.
A draft of your inscription will be sent for final approval prior to creating your tile.

4" x 6" - $10,000

Please write your tile inscription below. Please note the number of lines and character count.
A draft of your inscription will be sent for final approval prior to creating your tile.

3" x 6" - $5,000

Please write your tile inscription below. Please note the number of lines and character count.
A draft of your inscription will be sent for final approval prior to creating your tile.

2" x 6" - $2,500

Please write your tile inscription below. Please note the number of lines and character count.
A draft of your inscription will be sent for final approval prior to creating your tile.

6" x 6" - $1,000 (12 families per tile)

Please note: For this level of donation, a total of 12 families will share space per tile.

Limit 48 donors

Please write your tile inscription below. Please note the character count.
A draft of your inscription will be sent for final approval prior to creating your tile.

Payment by Check
Please make the check out to "Temple Isaiah" and include in the memo line "Kitchen Donor Wall Tile"

Please make sure to click "Submit" so we know how to inscribe your tile.
Payment by 2 Annual Pledge Installments
Your account will be billed for the first half of your pledge due by December 31, 2023 and the remainder of your pledge due by December 31, 2024

Please make sure to click "Submit" so we know how to inscribe your tile.
Payment via a Personalized Payment Plan
For a personalized payment plan, please contact Rabbi Dara at dara@templeisaiah.com or by calling the Temple at 310-277-2772

Please make sure to click "Submit" so we know how to inscribe your tile.
Please press "Submit" to advance to payment page.