Highlands and Islands Climate Change Community Grant - Researcher EOI form
Researcher Expression of Interest
Our Highlands and Islands Climate Change Community
will support
and connect communities in the Highlands and Islands to work with a researcher and build mutually beneficial relationships to explore how to take local action on climate change.
Grants of up to £5,000 will be available to community groups to run a project or activity on a local climate change issue that benefits their community and involves working with a researcher.
Activity will run from September 2023 to March 2024.
If you’re a researcher, you can register your interest here to keep updated, find out more about the grant and potentially be matched with communities based on developing interests. Researchers will be matched with communities in June 2023, once the funded projects have been decided.
Contact Information
First Name
40 characters left.
80 characters left.
Institute or organisation, if applicable
80 characters left.
Job/role (if relevant)
80 characters left.
Contact email address
80 characters left.
Your details will not be used for any other purpose other than to share information about the Highlands and Island Climate Change Community Grant. You can read our
privacy policy link for more details
(right click to open the link in a new tab).
About your research
What area(s) of climate change does your research cover?
Food and farming
Sustainable transport
Sustainable power
Resource management and consumption
Biodiversity and the natural environment
Please briefly tell us about your other area of research.
255 characters left.
In a few lines, can you tell us a bit about your research?
If you have a website, you can also link it here.
200 words remaining
Have you engaged with communities about your work before?
Please select which apply to you
One-off lectures and talks
One-off workshops or activities
Longer-term projects/partnerships
Please briefly tell us the other ways in which you've previously engaged communities with your work.
255 characters left.
In a few lines, please tell us about your motivation for working with communities, in particular those that are underrepresented
in science, research and innovation, and climate change activity.
For this grant we are prioritising supporting
people from ethnic minority backgrounds, speakers of minoritised languages and people living in communities that face deprivation, including those disadvantaged in terms of education and income].
200 words remaining
Further information
How did you hear about this funding scheme?
Please select...
Word of Mouth
Local media or Press
Please tell us how you heard about this funding scheme
255 characters left.
And who did you hear it from?
Please select...
British Science Association
Community Engagement Network
The Ideas Fund
Science Ceilidh
Local Highlands and Islands Organisation
Please tell us who you heard about this funding scheme from
255 characters left.
Contact Information