Potential Career Interests
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Student LYTE email address. ONLY USE YOUR LYTE EMAIL (FirstName.LastName@lytescholars.org) . If there is a hyphen on apostrophe in your name, include it.
What is your First Name?
What is your Last Name?
Indicate ALL fields that you are interested (NOTE: you may not get partnered with a mentor with your career interest BUT it is valuable to learn about many).
Arts and Communication (Graphic Design, Writing and Journalism, Fashion Design, Visual and Performing Arts, etc.,)
Business, Management and Administration (Finance, Economics, Human Resources, sales and marketing, real estate etc.,)
Community & Nonprofit Organizations (Nonprofit worker, Local Government, etc.,)
Mental Health & Social Services (School Counselor, Social Worker, Psychologist, etc.,)
Education (Teacher, Professor, Paraprofessional, Principal, Superintendent, Librarian, etc.,)
Government and Public Administration (State and Federal Government, Legislative Aid, Elected Official, etc.,)
Health Science (Medical Doctor, Dentist, Nurse, Veterinarian, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, etc.,)
Hospitality and Tourism (Chef, Server, Hotel Employee, Local Tourism Bureau, etc.,)
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair (Plumber, Electrician, Mechanic, Repair Technician, etc.,)
Information Technology (Computer Scientist, Video Game Design, Web Developer, etc.,)
Law and Public Safety (Paralegal, Lawyer, Judge, Police Officer, etc.,)
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (Archaeologist, Lab Tech, Biologist, Physicist, Mathematician, Architecture, etc.,)
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