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The vast majority of EDF Climate Corps fellows are host-funded; EDF funding is extremely limited and restricted to public sector hosts with projects in environmental justice and/or community engagement.
Thank you for your interest in Climate Corps! 

This application is intended for hosts who will pay their fellow directly. 

If you are a public sector or nonprofit host seeking funding support from EDF, please complete this applicationinstead. For India-based fellowships, please complete this application instead. China-based fellowships, please reach out to Betty Zhong

Early Deadline: December 8, 2023  

Priority fellow matching, opt-in promotion of participation on EDF social channels. 


Final Deadline: January 19, 2024 

Before submitting this application, it is required that an HR representative at your organization review the program requirements and obligations of the host organizations. Please direct questions to Mali’o Kodis. It is critical to the success of this process that HR is included. 


Only U.S.-based organizations that can hire international students may apply. Exceptions may be made for U.S.-based organizations that are unable to hire international students for legal and national security reasons. All Climate Corps fellows, regardless of national origin, are required to be based in the United States for the duration of their fellowship. Visa sponsorship is not required; all qualified applicants are eligible to work in the U.S. 


You can save your application and return to it later or share it with others in your organization. Once submitted, we will review your application and notify you if further documentation or information is required. We will confirm organization participation in the 2024 fellowship by April 1, 2024. 


EDF will prioritize applications for projects related to direct emissions reductions in the following categories: Animal Agriculture; Climate Commitments and Roadmaps; Environmental and Climate Justice; Food Waste; Renewables and Energy Efficiency; Supplier Engagement and Scope 3; Sustainable Finance; and Zero-Emission Vehicles / Fleet Transition. 


If you have any issues with submitting the form, please contact Mali'o Kodis

Thank you for your interest in Climate Corps! 

This application is intended for public sector or nonprofit hosts seeking funding support from EDF. 

Note: Funding is very limited and preference will be given to projects with strong impacts in environmental and climate justice and community engagement.

If you are NOT seeking funding support from EDF, please complete this application instead. For India-based fellowships, please complete this application instead. China-based fellowships, please reach out to Betty Zhong

Final Deadline: December 8, 2023


Before submitting this application, it is required that an HR representative at your organization review the program requirements and obligations of the host organizations. Please direct questions to Mali’o Kodis. It is critical to the success of this process that HR is included.


Only U.S.-based organizations that can hire international students may apply. Exceptions may be made for U.S.-based organizations that are unable to hire international students for legal and national security reasons. All Climate Corps fellows, regardless of national origin, are required to be based in the United States for the duration of their fellowship. Visa sponsorship is not required; all qualified applicants are eligible to work in the U.S.


You can save your application and return to it later, or share it with others in your organization. Once submitted, we will review your application and notify you if further documentation or information is required. We will confirm organization participation in the 2024 fellowship by April 1, 2024.


If you have any issues with submitting the form, please contact Mali’o Kodis.


Part I: Host Information

Site visits or other business travel expenses must be covered by host organizations. EDF does not cover these or relocation expenses. Due to our commitment to diversity and equity, if you are unable to provide relocation assistance, we strongly recommend offering the fellowship as fully remote, remote with site visits, or according to the fellow's preference.

Site visits or other business travel expenses must be covered by host organizations. Unless offered by the host, fellow relocation expenses are expected to be covered by fellows. However, due to our commitment to diversity and equity, if you are unable to provide relocation assistance, we strongly recommend offering the fellowship as fully remote, remote with site visits, or according to the fellow's preference.

For example, if hybrid, specify the days the fellow is expected in office. If remote, specify the time zone(s) the fellow is expected to work in.

Funding is limited and projects with partial funding provided by host organization will be given preference.
High-Level Sponsor

Direct Supervisor

HR Contact

Part II: Project Information
Proposed Fellowship Duration
Fellow Training will occur May 20-24, 2024. Hosts are required to compensate fellows $1,400 for this week. Fellowships must happen during the summer (approx. June-August). It is strongly encouraged that fellows begin work with host companies after EDF’s Fellow Training, though exact dates will be determined in conjunction with fellow(s)’ school schedule(s). 

Fellowships must happen during the summer (approx. June-August). EDF-paid fellowships are 10 weeks in length, plus 1 week of Fellow Training provided by EDF. It is strongly encouraged that fellows begin work with host organizations after EDF’s Fellow Training which will take place May 20-24, 2024, though exact dates will be determined in conjunction with fellow(s)’ school schedule(s)
Is there a specific window in which your fellow must start and/or complete their fellowship?

Select which category the project most closely fits. A description of the project categories can be found on our website here.

Select which category the project most closely fits. A description of the project categories can be found on our website hereFunding is limited and preference will be given to projects with strong impacts in environmental and climate justice. 

In 3-7 clear sentences, please describe the project(s) the fellow(s) will work on over the summer. This information will be made available in summary form to all potential fellows so that they may indicate their preferred placements during the matching process. Please spell out all acronyms. Any major changes to project scope after application submission are subject to EDF approval. Refer to our Host Application Guidance Document for additional info.)

Part III: Fellow Preferences
Information collected here is used to inform the selection of your fellow. Please be as detailed as possible. Many of our fellows are looking to gain experience in the sustainability sector; they may not have all the experience or skills you would like - but they are driven, passionate, and eager to learn. Refer to our Host Application Guidance Document for additional guidance. 

(e.g., strong stakeholder engagement; proficiency in XYZ software; carbon accounting experience; etc.).

Please note that host organizations with internal policies that limit the hiring of international students for non-legal reasons will not be selected for participation in the program.

Part IV: Program Description

Climate Corps Program Goals

Climate Corps is designed to help Host Organizations accelerate progress on their climate commitments and reduce emissions. If accepted into the program, Host Organizations are matched with a Climate Corps fellow(s) who will work onsite or remotely for 10-12 weeks in the summer of 2024. The fellow(s) provides Host Organizations with customized deliverables that can include strategy development, detailed project and cost analyses, and implementation recommendations.  

Fellowship Deliverables 

At the conclusion of the fellowship, fellow will provide the Deliverables (defined below) to the Host Organization and, where applicable and permissible, to EDF.  

Deliverables shall include but are not limited to: 

  • Final presentation to EDF Engagement Manager. 
  • Public summary – A summary of the project to be written by fellow, reviewed and approved by Host Organization, and submitted to EDF for publication on our online Project Database. 
  • Additional financial and environmental analysis for aggregate use by EDF to report on program-wide impacts. 
  • Program experience survey to be completed by fellow and direct supervisor after completion of the fellowship. 
  • Any additional deliverables as requested by Host Organization (necessary measures to protect confidential information may be taken as required). 

EDF will: 

  • Recruit and match a qualified fellow with the Host Organization OR integrate fellow(s) independently selected by the Host Organization into the program (please consult with EDF for more information).  
  • Train the fellow on sustainability and climate strategies, best practices, resources and skillsets applicable to Climate Corps’ established project categories. Note: Host Organization is responsible for paying the fellow during the training week. 
  • Support fellows throughout the summer through our cohort model led by EDF and partner experts. 
  • Assign an EDF engagement manager who will be available throughout the fellowship for support and guidance to both the fellow and Host Organization. 
  • Aggregate and publicize cost savings and other climate metrics identified by all Climate Corps fellows to quantify the impact of the program. 
  • Retain fellows’ final deliverables as submitted to EDF for EDF’s internal use.  
  • Publish the approved Public Summary on the Project Database

The Host Organization will: 

  • Hire fellow(s), either directly or through a third-party professional employer organization, pursuant to the following requirements: 
    • Fellowship will last between 10 and 12 weeks; 
    • Fellow(s) will work approximately 40 hours per week during the fellowship period; 
    • Fellow(s) will receive compensation for the full fellowship period at a rate no less than $1,400/week gross; 
    • Fellow(s) will receive $1,400 for their participation in Fellow Training; 
    • Host Organization must comply with all applicable state and federal laws, including labor laws such as the Fair Labor Standards Act and anti-discrimination laws such as Title VII; and 
    • Host Organizations must comply with all applicable Workers Compensation requirements. 
  • Provide fellow(s) a supportive high-level project sponsor, as well as an accessible day-to-day direct supervisor with the capacity to meet with the fellow on a weekly basis at minimum for the duration of the fellowship. EDF highly recommends that the direct supervisor complete harassment training at their organization.  
  • Provide fellow(s) with suitable equipment, facilitate support from relevant stakeholders (e.g., facilities management, purchasing) and, if onsite, provide office space and access. All HR paperwork for fellow(s) must be completed prior to the start of the fellowship. 
  • Make relevant records and information available to fellow(s) (e.g., energy bills, facilities records). 
  • Provide EDF with project implementation updates periodically upon request after fellowship completion. 

The fellow will: 

  • Provide documentation that they are either a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident OR authorized to work in the U.S. over the summer prior to starting work.  
  • Complete all necessary hiring procedures with the Host Organization prior to the agreed upon start date including (if required): background checks, drug screening, proof of work authorization, vaccination or testing requirements, etc. 
  • Comply with all applicable EDF policies and procedures. 
  • Comply with applicable Host Organization policies and procedures. 
  • Comply with all applicable state and federal laws. 
  • Work with the Host Organization to complete the agreed upon project.  
  • BEFORE completion of the fellowship, deliver to the Host Organization and EDF detailed deliverables as outlined above. 

Part IV: Program Description

Climate Corps Program Goals

Climate Corps is designed to help Host Organizations accelerate progress on their climate commitments and reduce emissions. If accepted into the program, Host Organizations are matched with a Climate Corps fellow(s) who will work onsite or remotely for 10 weeks in the summer of 2024. The fellow(s) provides Host Organizations with customized deliverables that can include strategy development, detailed project and cost analyses, and implementation recommendations.

Fellowship Deliverables

At the conclusion of the fellowship, fellow will provide the Deliverables (defined below) to the Host Organization and, where applicable and permissible, to EDF.  

Deliverables shall include but are not limited to:

  • Final presentation to EDF Engagement Manager.
  • Public summary – A summary of the project to be written by fellow, reviewed and approved by Host Organization, and submitted to EDF for publication on our online Project Database.
  • Additional financial and environmental analysis for aggregate use by EDF to report on program-wide impacts.
  • Program experience survey to be completed by fellow and direct supervisor after completion of the fellowship.
  • Any additional deliverables as requested by Host Organization. 

EDF will:
  • Recruit and match a qualified fellow with the Host Organization OR integrate a fellow(s) independently selected by the Host Organization into the program (please consult with EDF for more information).  
  • Hire fellow(s) either directly or through a third-party professional employer organization for the duration of the fellowship period.
  • Train the fellow on sustainability and climate strategies, best practices, resources and skillsets applicable to Climate Corps’ established project categories.  
  • Support fellows throughout the summer through our cohort model led by EDF and partner experts.
  • Assign an EDF engagement manager who will be available throughout the fellowship for support and guidance to both the fellow and Host Organization. 
  • Aggregate and publicize cost savings and other climate metrics identified by all Climate Corps fellows to quantify the impact of the program.
  • Retain fellows’ final deliverables as submitted to EDF for EDF’s internal use.  
  • Publish the approved Public Summary on the Project Database.

The Host Organization will:

  • Reimburse EDF for a portion of the Fellow’s salary if indicated in Part 1 (additional compensation) above.
  • Provide fellow(s) with a meaningful fellowship experience for 10 weeks, where the fellow(s) will work approximately 40 hours per week.
  • Comply with all applicable state and federal laws, including anti-discrimination laws such as Title VII.
  • Provide fellow(s) a supportive high-level project sponsor, as well as an accessible day-to-day direct supervisor with the capacity to meet with the fellow on a weekly basis at minimum for the duration of the fellowship. EDF highly recommends that the direct supervisor complete harassment training at their organization.  
  • Provide fellow(s) with suitable equipment, facilitate support from relevant stakeholders (e.g., facilities management, purchasing) and, if onsite, provide office space and access. All HR paperwork for fellow(s) must be completed prior to the start of the fellowship. 
  • Make relevant records and information available to fellow(s) (e.g., energy bills, facilities records). Share relevant data with EDF to facilitate fellowship deliverable completion in accordance with confidentiality agreement.  
  • Provide EDF with project implementation updates periodically upon request after fellowship completion. 

The fellow will: 
  • Provide documentation that they are either a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident OR authorized to work in the U.S. over the summer prior to starting work.
  • Complete all necessary hiring procedures with EDF and the Host Organization prior to the agreed upon start date including (if required): background checks, drug screening, proof of work authorization, vaccination or testing requirements, etc.
  • Comply with all applicable EDF policies and procedures.
  • Comply with applicable Host Organization policies and procedures.
  • Comply with all applicable state and federal laws.
  • Work with the Host Organization to complete the agreed upon project. 
  • BEFORE completion of the fellowship, deliver to the Host Organization and EDF detailed deliverables as outlined above.

Part V: Confidentiality & Publicity


For EDF and the Host Organization to collaborate effectively, either party may disclose (the “Discloser”) certain confidential information to the fellow and to the other party (collectively the “Recipient”) subject to the terms and conditions of this Application. Confidential information means and includes any and all documents, information and materials provided or made available (directly or indirectly), whether visually or orally, by the Discloser to the Recipient including the Recipient’s employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors or any affiliate(s), or to the fellow, under or in connection with this Application including, but not limited to, all technical and non-technical information, customer information, or plans, financials, business strategies, research and development, software and hardware, designs, proprietary formulae and algorithms (“Confidential Information”). 

EDF recognizes that there is often Confidential Information necessary to successful completion of the fellowship process and Deliverables. It is the responsibility of the Host Organization to enter into a separate agreement with the fellow to determine what may be disclosed to EDF.

Host Organization expressly authorizes EDF to disclose project details entered in this application to potential fellows, cohort advisors and anyone else EDF deems necessary in its sole discretion. 

Fellow will submit Deliverables to EDF for EDF’s internal use only. The restrictions in this Application will not apply to Confidential Information to the extent it (i) was in the public domain at the time of disclosure; (ii) became publicly available after disclosure to Recipient without breach of this Application; (iii) was lawfully received by Recipient from a third party without such restrictions; (iv) was known to Recipient, its employees or agents without such restrictions prior to its receipt from the Discloser; (v) was generally made available to third parties by the Discloser without such restriction; or (vi) is required to be disclosed by Recipient pursuant to judicial order or other compulsion of law, provided that Recipient will provide to the Discloser prompt notice of such order and comply with any protective order imposed on such disclosure.

Program Publicity:

Notwithstanding the Confidentiality section above, the Host Organization agrees and acknowledges that EDF has the right to publicize the Host Organization’s participation in Climate Corps. EDF may publish the Results (defined below) of the fellowship program only with the prior written consent and approval of the Host Organization. Results shall include, but not be limited to, a summary of the Fellowship, its impact on the Host Organization and associated cost, energy, and greenhouse savings identified by the Fellow (“Results”). EDF’s use of the Host Organization’s logo and the Host Organization’s use of EDF’s logo is limited to representation of participation in Climate Corps. Use of either party’s logo for any other purpose, including endorsement of activities, is strictly prohibited without prior written approval from the Host Organization and EDF with respect to each other’s logo.

Indemnification and Limitation of Liability:

Host Organization agrees to indemnify, defend and hold EDF harmless from any and all claims or damages arising out of (i) any disclosure of Confidential Information or Results by Fellow not authorized by Host, (ii) any and all claims or damages arising out of any bodily injury or illness suffered by Fellow while Fellow is on the Host premises, and (iii) the behavior or performance of the Fellow while employed by the Host Organization. 

Host Organization shall be solely responsible for its violations of applicable laws, rules, regulations, and its negligent acts or omissions and the negligent acts or omissions of its employees, officers, or directors, to the extent allowed by law.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice:

Climate Corps is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion and justice across all areas of our program. We are proud that our fellows represent a diverse population of individuals with different experiences, backgrounds and identities - both visible and invisible. This diversity contributes to the strength of our program. We similarly seek Host Organizations that share our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and justice. We expect all participating Host Organizations to provide a safe, welcoming and inclusive work environment for their fellows. 

Entire Agreement:

This Application contains the sole and entire agreement and understanding between the Host Organization and EDF with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding all prior communications whether written or oral. The Parties will not enter into additional agreements following this document with respect to the subject matter hereof.

Part V: Confidentiality & Publicity


For EDF and the Host Organization to collaborate effectively, either party may disclose (the “Discloser”) certain confidential information to the Fellow and to the other party (collectively the “Recipient”) subject to the terms and conditions of this application. Confidential information means and includes any and all documents, information and materials provided or made available (directly or indirectly), whether visually or orally, by the Discloser to the Recipient including the Recipient’s employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors or any affiliate(s), or to the Fellow, under or in connection with this application including, but not limited to, all technical and non-technical information, customer information, or plans, financials, business strategies, research and development, software and hardware, designs, proprietary formulae and algorithms (“Confidential Information”).  

EDF recognizes that there is often Confidential Information necessary to successful completion of the fellowship process and Deliverables. It is the responsibility of the Host Organization to enter into a separate agreement with the Fellow to determine what may be disclosed to EDF. 

Host Organization expressly authorizes EDF to disclose project details entered in this application to potential fellows, cohort advisors and anyone else EDF deems necessary in its sole discretion. 

Fellow will submit Deliverables to EDF for EDF’s internal use only. The restrictions in this application will not apply to Confidential Information to the extent it (i) was in the public domain at the time of disclosure; (ii) became publicly available after disclosure to Recipient without breach of this application; (iii) was lawfully received by Recipient from a third party without such restrictions; (iv) was known to Recipient, its employees or agents without such restrictions prior to its receipt from the Discloser; (v) was generally made available to third parties by the Discloser without such restriction; or (vi) is required to be disclosed by Recipient pursuant to judicial order or other compulsion of law, provided that Recipient will provide to the Discloser prompt notice of such order and comply with any protective order imposed on such disclosure. 

Program Publicity:

Notwithstanding the Confidentiality section above, the Host Organization agrees and acknowledges that EDF has the right to publicize the Host Organization’s participation in Climate Corps. EDF may publish the Results (defined below) of the fellowship program only with the prior written consent and approval of the Host Organization. Results shall include, but not be limited to, a summary of the fellowship, its impact on the Host Organization and associated cost, energy, and greenhouse savings identified by the Fellow (“Results”). EDF’s use of the Host Organization’s logo and the Host Organization’s use of EDF’s logo is limited to representation of participation in Climate Corps. Use of either party’s logo for any other purpose, including endorsement of activities, is strictly prohibited without prior written approval from the Host Organization and EDF with respect to each other’s logo. 

Indemnification and Limitation of Liability:

Host Organization agrees to indemnify, defend and hold EDF harmless from any and all claims or damages arising out of (i) any disclosure of Confidential Information or Results by Fellow not authorized by Host, (ii) any and all claims or damages arising out of any bodily injury or illness suffered by Fellow while Fellow is on the Host premises, and (iii) the behavior or performance of the Fellow while employed by the Host Organization.  

Host Organization shall be solely responsible for its violations of applicable laws, rules, regulations, and its negligent acts or omissions and the negligent acts or omissions of its employees, officers, or directors, to the extent allowed by law. 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice:

Climate Corps is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion and justice across all areas of our program. We are proud that our fellows represent a diverse population of individuals with different experiences, backgrounds and identities - both visible and invisible. This diversity contributes to the strength of our program. We similarly seek Host Organizations that share our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and justice. We expect all participating Host Organizations to provide a safe, welcoming and inclusive work environment for their fellows. 

Entire Agreement:

This application contains the sole and entire agreement and understanding between the Host Organization and EDF with respect to the subject matter hereof, superseding all prior communications whether written or oral. The Parties will not enter into additional agreements following this document with respect to the subject matter hereof.