I’m ready to sell my Community Land Trust home
Address of CLT Home
Email (preferred, but optional if you do not have an email)
Please list any loans (other than your mortgage) that you have taken out against the property, such as a home improvement loan.
Have you had a recent appraisal?
Date Appraisal Completed
Appraisal Value of Home
Upload appraisal if you have it (optional)
Have you identified a qualified buyer for your home?
What is the current condition of the home? We ask this in case there are improvements/repairs that may need to be completed at time of resale. (choose one)
Excellent/New (recently constructed)
Excellent/Existing (recently rehabbed or well-maintained)
Very Good (up-to-date systems; building in good repair)
Good (older, adequate systems; building needs cosmetic repairs)
Fair (aging but adequate systems; building needs minor repairs)
Poor (some systems replacement needed; major repairs needed)
Very Poor (major systems replacement and major repairs needed)
What is your hopeful timeline for selling your home? (choose answer that best fits your schedule)
ASAP because I'm moving, going through a divorce, foreclosure, etc.
In the next 3 months or so
Sometime within the year
Contact Information