New Singing Community Application
Basic Information
This form collects information for us to process your request for a new singing community. Please fill out all of the information and a BHS Staff member will be in touch with you soon.
First and Last Name
Email Address
Are you 18 years or older?
In what city or state/province will your group be located?
Is your group interested in being a
of the Barbershop Harmony Society?
Tell us about your current singing group (group/school name, brief description of your group's current activities, demographics, etc.)
Chapter Identity
My BHS Group will be:
A BHS Chapter
A BHS Collegiate Club
A BHS High School Club
A BHS Geographical Club
What is your desired chapter/club name?
Please Note: All Chapter Names are based upon geographic location. All CLUB names should use the following convention: BARBERSHOP HARMONY SOCIETY <<School/Geographic Club Name>> Club. Example: "Barbershop Harmony Howard University Club" OR "Barbershop Harmony Society Nashville Tag Night Club"
What are the reasons you would like to be a chapter or club?
To promote the appreciation of barbershop harmony in my community
BHS brand recognition/affiliation
To continue BHS's renewed vision of Everyone in Harmony
501c3 tax exemption status
Chapter resources provided by BHS
To increase music education opportunities
To create a formal singing community in my area
To establish a purpose/impact within my current singing community
To increase opportunities for competition/shows
To leave a legacy in my area
What type of singing community would you like to have?
Men's Community
Women's Community
All Voices Community
How many people are currently interested in forming a singing community with you?
Do you currently have a meeting place?
What Kind of Group are you currently? Please select "Yes" or "No" for each statement.
We are a casual come-as-you-wish group
We are a community-oriented, service group
We are a skill-building focused group
We are a competition-focused group
We are a show-focused group
We are a quartetting-focused group
We are a seasonal group
We are a youth group
Any other identifiers that are not listed above?
What is the expected demographic of the chorus? (examples: age, music ability, etc.)
Which types of music do you think you will be performing?
Does your community have any needs for leadership development or training? If so, please list needs/details below
What kind of education or resources/tools do you need NOW to start your singing community?
What other needs does your singing community currently have?
Additional Information/Other Comments
Chorus Identity
Desired Chorus Name
Chorus Director Name
Is your chorus director already a member of the Barbershop Harmony Society?
Chapter President Name
Chapter Secretary Name
Chapter Treasurer Name
Contact Information
A Better World. Singing.| © 2021, Barbershop Harmony Society, Inc. | 110 7th Ave. N, Nashville, TN 37203-3704 | (800)876.SING | (615)823.3993 |
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