The County of Santa Cruz ADU Incentives Program Application

Hello Housing


The County of Santa Cruz

Accessory Dwelling Unit Incentive Program

Application Form



Thank you for your interest in applying to the County of Santa Cruz’s Accessory Dwelling Unit Incentives Program, a new ADU technical assistance program supported by Hello Housing and sponsored by the County of Santa Cruz (the “Program”).  Please note, the information you submit on this application will be used to determine whether you meet the basic eligibility criteria to participate in the Program. It will also help us learn about your potential ADU or JADU project, unique site conditions, and where you are in your readiness to move your project forward.  The application consists of seven sections and should take you about 15-20 minutes to complete.  We really appreciate your time and willingness to share more about yourself and the goals for your ADU project.


All applications received will be reviewed in the order received.  If you meet the basic eligibility criteria following our review of your application, you will receive an email from us detailing the next steps in the process.


Please complete all pages of this application. Incomplete applications may be deemed ineligible.


If you have questions or need assistance completing this application, please email us at:  




We look forward to the opportunity to work with you!



The HelloADU team

Section I. General Information


Hello Housing believes that fair and equal access to housing opportunities and programs is critical to supporting diverse communities where people thrive. To know how we are doing, we need to collect demographic information of our applicants. And, we need to collect this information in a way that can be compared with other publicly-available information. The format and choices of the following questions mirror how these questions are asked by the U.S. Census Bureau. 

Please be assured that this information is only used in the aggregate and is not used in any way to determine your household’s eligibility for any program offering. By providing this information, you are helping us better understand the reach and impact of our programs in the communities we serve, which in turn leads to more effective housing solutions.
Applicant Demographics

Please enter information about the primary applicant below.

Household Member Demographics

Please enter information about any additional household members below.

Section II. Basic Eligibility

4. Participants selected to receive free project management support through the program must be willing to rent the new ADU or JADU for a period of no less than 3 years.  Units can be rented to a family member, a friend, or a community member as long as there is a bona fide lease in place.  Alternatively, applicants can move into the new unit and rent out the main home.

Section III. Informational Survey Questions

Please complete each question below to the best of your ability.  Answers to these questions will help Hello Housing learn more about your project and your goals.

Units may be rented to a family member or a friend as long as there is a bona fide lease.  Alternatively, participants can choose to move into the new second unit and rent the main home for this same minimum period.

Section IV. Participant Readiness

Section V. Site Conditions

Conditions at the home can impact the costs and the type of new unit you hope to build.  Please answer each question below to the best of your ability to help us better understand what some of these conditions might be so that we can help you to plan accordingly.

Section VI. Program Disclosure Form

Santa Cruz County's ADU Incentives Program

As part of my application, I have read and agree to the following terms of the Program. I certify that the statements included herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. (Please check each box as an indication that you have read and affirm each statement.)