Curby Soft Plastics Program - Council Survey
Please fill out below to assist us in providing you with more information regarding the Curby Program:
Council Name
Do you currently have any soft plastics recycling services in your LGA (if yes, please describe)?
Do you have preferred local processors or manufacturers for processing collected soft plastics?
Would your Council consider a buy-back program, where you would purchase products made from locally collected soft plastics, subject to Local Government Act requirements?
Please select...
If yes to above, please express the product/s you would be most interested in hearing more about:
Bollards (for more information
click here
Pointed fence posts
(for more information
click here
Light weight aggregate
Asphalt containing community-collected soft plastics
Curby Program bags made from community-collected soft plastics
Are there any other products made from recovered plastics that your Council is interested in purchasing? If yes, please describe.
Current MRF your Council is serviced by
How many years are left on your current yellow bin processing contract (optional)
Current MRF operator (company name)
Which types of waste and recycling bins does your Council provide to residents?
General Waste (RED)
Comingled Recycling (YELLOW)
Garden waste (GREEN)
Paper and Cardboard (BLUE)
Glass (PURPLE)
Details if other:
Contact Details
First Name
Last Name
email address
Phone number
Contact Information