GLSEN Chapters: Mission in Practice Profile

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Page 1

Rainbow colored text "Mission in Action" and GLSEN logo
The sub-committee of Chapter Leadership Council has drafted GLSEN Chapters: Mission in Practice Profile for the new accreditation process so that we, as a Chapter Network, can celebrate, grow and learn together in community through information sharing. We see value in being data-rich to appeal to donors and to apply for grants, as well as the platform being a place to tell the critical stories that will connect and empower us all.

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Also, feel free to browse to other pages to get an overview before you begin

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

"Engaged County" Includes any county that you have interactions, attend events or have communication this fiscal year (FY).

Board Members & Volunteers

First Name Last Name Email
General Board Member
General Board Member
Other Board/ Volunteers
Other Board/ Volunteers
Other Board/ Volunteers
Other Board Members/Positions, SHINE Leaders and other volunteers that support your work.

Please include the number of "light-touch" volunteers here.

Compensated Individuals

This section should included all compensated individuals, including interns, and Americorp Volunteers.

First Name Last Name Email Title
Staff (full-time)
Staff (part-time)
Other Paid Staff
Racial, Disability, & Gender Justice

Advancing Racial, Disability, and Gender Justice

We know that eliminating anti-LGBTQ+ bias and violence in schools today and laying the foundation of respect for all in the future, requires the centering of racial, disability, and gender justice throughout our work. And as an organization, we are early in our journey to “advance racial, gender, and disability justice outcomes in education”. One important tool in our journey is learning to honestly assess where we are growing in these capacities and where we have more work to do. Please use the following questions to honestly assess where your Chapter is on its journey. This assessment isn’t a judgment or a comparison, but a chance to identify where more energy might be invested in the coming year. 

Current FY Activities


(JULY 1 TO JUNE 30 - Our Current Fiscal Year)

Guidance for this part:

As a Chapter Network, we collectively believe in and pursue GLSEN’s mission and values, and we are empowered to innovate, take action, reflect, and iterate in the implementation of our efforts in the ways that make the most sense for our local culture and location, and in ways that make the most sense for our local capacity and available skills and experience. 

As you know, all of our work as a chapter network is based on the important research GLSEN does through the National School Climate Survey. This report consistently identifies four major supports that schools can use to cultivate a safe and supportive environment for all of their students. As a Chapter Network, we collectively believe in and pursue GLSEN’s mission and values and we are empowered to innovate, take action, reflect, and iterate in the implementation of our actions in the ways that make the most sense for our local culture, location, capacity, and available skills and experience.

Use this opportunity to share updates of your activities over this past year within any of these four supports.

There is no need to do them all if you aren’t actively implementing programs under all supports. Just leave those blank and move to the ones you are active in. 

Review  the GLSEN Four Supports

Here are some photos we took, links to articles, videos, documents, flyers, posters, buttons, etc. that we created.

Don’t worry if you don’t have any to share - something to maybe think about for next year or the next.

How to label your files and folders: Please include your chapter name first, FY23 and lastly, your own identifier.

* Please be certain to Share this folder with: Anyone with the link

Here are some photos we took, links to articles, videos, documents, flyers, posters, buttons, etc. that we created.

Don’t worry if you don’t have any to share - something to maybe think about for next year or the next.

How to label your files and folders: Please include your chapter name first, FY23 and lastly, your own identifier.

* Please be certain to Share this folder with: Anyone with the link

Here are some photos we took, links to articles, videos, documents, flyers, posters, buttons, etc. that we created.

Don’t worry if you don’t have any to share - something to maybe think about for next year or the next.

How to label your files and folders: Please include your chapter name first, FY23 and lastly, your own identifier.

* Please be certain to Share this folder with: Anyone with the link

Here are some photos we took, links to articles, videos, documents, flyers, posters, buttons, etc. that we created.

Don’t worry if you don’t have any to share - something to maybe think about for next year or the next.

How to label your files and folders: Please include your chapter name first, FY23 and lastly, your own identifier.

* Please be certain to Share this folder with: Anyone with the link

Technical questions regarding filling out this form? Contact Marcy Peterson at

Page 2

Other Activities

Other Organizing & Outreach

We know that Chapter work includes organizing and outreach efforts that help to base build, deepen relationships and partnerships, and contribute to intersectional organizing efforts. Things like tabling at Pride, hosting a Pride Prom, coalition, and organizing work around related issues (i.e. opposing legislation that targets trans youth's access to affirming care or collaborative organizing against the criminalization of black, brown, and immigrant young people) are some examples of what you might share here.

Here are some photos we took, links to articles, videos, documents, flyers, posters, buttons, etc. that we created.

Don’t worry if you don’t have any to share - something to maybe think about for next year or the next.

How to label your files and folders:

* Please be certain to Share this folder with: Anyone with the link


Here are some photos we took, links to articles, videos, documents, flyers, posters, buttons, etc. that we created.

Don’t worry if you don’t have any to share - something to maybe think about for next year or the next.

How to label your files and folders:

* Please be certain to Share this folder with: Anyone with the link

Other Activities

Here are some photos we took, links to articles, videos, documents, flyers, posters, buttons, etc. that we created.

Don’t worry if you don’t have any to share - something to maybe think about for next year or the next.

How to label your files and folders:

* Please be certain to Share this folder with: Anyone with the link

Technical questions regarding filling out this form? Contact Marcy Peterson at

Page 3

Next FY Activities


JULY 1 TO JUNE 30 - Next Fiscal Year

Guidance for this part:

As a Chapter Network, we collectively believe in and pursue GLSEN’s mission and values, and we are empowered to innovate, take action, reflect, and iterate in the implementation of our efforts in the ways that make the most sense for our local culture and location, and in ways that make the most sense for our local capacity and available skills and experience. 

As you know, all of our work as a chapter network is based on the important research GLSEN does through the National School Climate Survey. This report consistently identifies four major supports that schools can use to cultivate a safe and supportive environment for all of their students. As a Chapter Network, we collectively believe in and pursue GLSEN’s mission and values and we are empowered to innovate, take action, reflect, and iterate in the implementation of our actions in the ways that make the most sense for our local culture, location, capacity, and available skills and experience.

Use this opportunity to share updates of your activities over this past year within any of these four supports.

There is no need to do them all if you aren’t actively implementing programs under all supports. Just leave those blank and move to the ones you are active in. 

Review  the GLSEN Four Supports

Here are some photos, links to articles, videos, documents, flyers, posters, buttons, etc. (Optional)

How to label your files and folders: Please include your chapter name first, FY24 and lastly, your own identifier.

* Please be certain to Share this folder with: Anyone with the link

Here are some photos, links to articles, videos, documents, flyers, posters, buttons, etc. (Optional)

How to label your files and folders: Please include your chapter name first, FY24 and lastly, your own identifier.

* Please be certain to Share this folder with: Anyone with the link

Here are some photos, links to articles, videos, documents, flyers, posters, buttons, etc. (Optional)

How to label your files and folders: Please include your chapter name first, FY24 and lastly, your own identifier.

* Please be certain to Share this folder with: Anyone with the link

Here are some photos, links to articles, videos, documents, flyers, posters, buttons, etc. (Optional)

How to label your files and folders: Please include your chapter name first, FY24 and lastly, your own identifier.

* Please be certain to Share this folder with: Anyone with the link

Technical questions regarding filling out this form? Contact Marcy Peterson at

Page 3

Please enter your current and next fiscal year's budgets to the best of your knowledge. Following please provide a link to your budget spreadsheet or upload a copy.

* Please be certain to Share this folder with: Anyone with the link

Extremely helpful Very helpful Moderately helpful Somewhat helpful Slightly helpful Neither helpful nor unhelpful Slightly unhelpful Somewhat unhelpful Very unhelpful

PLEASE NOTE: After clicking "Submit" view an overview of your responses. Review and scroll to the bottom to print a copy for yourself and Confirm or make a correction.

Technical questions regarding filling out this form? Contact Marcy Peterson at