Camden trustees are integral to the local VSCE and critical to the quality of community service provision in the borough.
The Camden Trustee Network brings together trustees from different Camden VCSE organisations to share experience, good practice, ideas and offer peer support.
To help ensure a private space to connect, learn, and share with other trustees from across the Camden Voluntary and Community Sector, some of our resources are only available to trustees who have signed up to our Camden Trustee Network Community of Practice.
This includes access to a:
- Dedicated private email group (hosted by Microsoft 365) to share information, best practice and insights, including access to a quarterly round up of relevant news and guidance and resources for current and aspiring CEO’s.
- Camden Trustee Network Hub which will host training recordings, notes from group discussions and other resources developed by or for the group, as well as case studies, tools and processes for non-profit organisations from being effective in your first 100 days as a new organisation through to building resilience in a changing environment.
You can find a full list of benefits of joining the VAC Camden Trustee Network on our website.