Clothing Allowance Access Application
Youth's First Name
Youth's Last Name
Is the youth currently in foster care?
Have you adopted or do you have permanent legal guardianship of the youth? If so, then the youth is not currently in foster care and does not qualify for this program.
Is the youth 13 years of age or older?
Please complete the following information:
Youth's date of birth
Youth's DCN
Youth's Racial Identity
Please select...
Black or African American
Asian or Asian American
Bi-Racial or Multi-Racial
White or European American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Hispanic or Latinx
Native American or Alaska Native
Other Race
Decline to disclose
Other Racial Identity (Please specify)
Role of Person Making Referral
Please select...
Youth's foster care case manager
Youth's foster parent
Youth's advocate
Your First and Last Name
Your Email Address
Your Phone Number
Case manager's First and Last Name
Case manager's Email Address
Case manager's Phone Number (cell phone preferred)
Is youth currently placed with a foster parent?
Foster parent's First and Last Name
Foster parent's Email
Foster parent's Phone Number
Is the caregiver unable to purchase clothing for the youth and wait for reimbursement from the Children's division due to financial circumstances?
Who will be shopping with the child and providing the weblinks of the clothing the youth wants us to purchase?
Address where to ship the clothes (please choose a safe address, we cannot be responsible for mail theft)
In the past 12 months, have you purchased clothing for the youth and given receipts to the child's case manager?
By typing your full name below, you agree that the youth being referred is 13 years or older and has a Missouri Department of Social Services Children’s Services foster care case manager
Electronic Acknowledgement
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