2023 Annual Report

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Page 1/9 - Welcome!

Thank you for filling out the 2023 Annual Report. We have streamlined the report this year to make sure that there is a precise reason for asking each question. All chapters and national groups are expected to submit this form by Monday, April 15.

Please note you can
 save and return to this form before submitting it via the "Save my progress and resume later" option at the top of any page. We have prepared a Google doc worksheet here for you to preview the survey and work on answers with your group.

The report has eight short sections:
  1. Basic information about you
  2. Stats about your group and your impact
  3. Looking back: evaluation of your 2023 goals
  4. Our Slow Food USA Theory of Change
  5. Looking forward: your plans for 2024
  6. Membership efforts in 2024
  7. Housekeeping: Did you file your taxes?
  8. Wrapping up: How can we do better for you? 
In response to some feedback from last year about the Annual Report:

How does SFUSA use this information?
We use a lot of this information to get a snapshot of what the network is doing well, and what parts of the network need more attention. We also use it to inform programming, affinity groups like the Creative Collective for communications, and create the Slow Food USA Annual Report

Can I save this form to finish later? 
Yes, there is text at the top of each page that will allow you to save your responses. Please be sure to re-open your form using the link sent to your inbox.

Questions that ask for specifics: We understand that some things are difficult to quantify (how many people have your events impacted, for example), but give it your best guess!

Before we get started...
Okay. Now on to the good stuff. 

Page 2/9 — Basic info

This is arguably the most important page of the report, as this is the main contact that the SFUSA office will have for you for the upcoming year - so take your time here!
Please share the contact information for your primary contact here!
Within the last year, did you add new members to your board? Did you lose any? If so, please fill out the Chapter Leader Update form - thank you!
Official contact for the IRS (*Disregard if University Chapter)

Page 3/9 — Stats about you and your impact in 2023

This section quantifies the impact of your group. Combined together across the network, it will give people a big picture of how Slow Food is guaranteeing good, clean and fair food for all.
Select all that apply
These next few questions are just to get an idea of what the financial health of the network looks like. As we look for more funding opportunities, we want to get an idea of how money is flowing into, and out of, our network. 

Page 4/9 — Looking back at 2023

This section tells more of a narrative story about the amazing work that you are doing. We will feature stories and quotes in our 2023 Annual Report, social media, emails, press outreach, and more. 
Strategic Goals

Page 5/9 — The Slow Food USA Theory of Change

In 2023, we shared the Slow Food USA Theory of Change - highlighting how we, as a network, will achieve our goals and visions of good, clean and fair food for all.

Please take a moment to become familiar with our Theory of Change before moving forward!

Page 6/9 - Looking ahead to 2024

National Programs

Page 7/9 - Membership in 2024

Slow Food USA started a membership revenue share in 2021. Read about it here: Slow Food USA Membership Revenue Share Program. In 2023, we distributed over $12,000 back to 41 chapters across the network to support Slow Food at the local level!
Membership Share
You need to opt in to the revenue share here, and tell us how you plan to solicit members in 2024.
For those who opted in last year, we will distribute 2023 Membership Revenue Shares in July 2024. You must provide an electronic payment option. We are doing this to avoid checks getting lost in the mail, and to ensure you get your funds as soon as possible. Please choose your preferred payment method and the required information. This information will be secure, and will only be seen and used by SFUSA Staff.

Page 8/9 - Housekeeping: Did you file your taxes? 

We don’t find this fun either, but in order to maintain your chapter’s tax-exempt status, you need to file your chapter taxes. If your chapter raised less than $50,000 in 2023, it should take no more than a few minutes. Need help? Check out this document. Need more help? Email chapters@slowfoodusa.org.

Page 9/9 — Wrapping up

How healthy would you rate the following aspects of your Slow Food USA Chapter operations? (This will allow us to loop your chapter on focus groups, such as the Creative Collective for chapter communications.)  
1 (We're doing great) 2 3 (We're getting by) 4 5 (We really need help)