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2024 National Conference Workshop 
Proposal Submission Form

About The Corps Network National Conference

The Corps Network National Conference is an annual gathering of national, state, and local leaders in youth development, community service, conservation, and climate resilience. Attendees include leadership and staff from conservation and youth development programs, representatives from federal agencies and philanthropic foundations, and staff from other private and nonprofit sectors. This year's event will be in-person in Washington, D.C.


Important Dates to Know

  • Deadline to Submit Workshop Proposal: October 20, 2023
  • Early Registration Opens: Fall 2023
  • Standard Registration Opens: January 2024
  • Event Dates: March 19-21, 2024

Submitting a Workshop Proposal

Quality workshops are an important element of our success; we thank you for your time and interest in presenting. This year we will prioritize workshops that include interactive elements. If you have questions about the workshop proposal form, please contact Bobby Tillett, at btillett@corpsnetwork.org.

I have an idea for a topic I'd like to see presented at the Conference.

Not looking to present at the Conference? We also welcome suggestions for topics that our attendees would like to see addressed at the event. If you have an idea, please complete this brief form

Event Format

  • The Corps Network's 2024 National Conference will be an in-person event in Washington, DC. We cannot accommodate virtual workshops or remote presenters.
  • Workshop sessions will be given a breakout room with space for 25 - 60 individuals.
  • All rooms will be set in theater style seating with a head table, computer, projector, flip charts, markers, and presenter remote. Alternative room set-ups can be accommodated within reason. You can indicate your preferred room set-up as well as any additional equipment requests in the "facilitation needs" section.

How Workshop Proposals are Scored

  • Ability to engage attendees through timely topics and/or interactive content.
  • Ability to communicate expected takeaways for session participants that are applicable to a wider audience.
  • Content is relevant to the issue areas of national service, conservation, youth development, workforce development, and/or equity, diversity and inclusion.


Save & Resume Feature

  • This form has a save and resume feature should you want to save your progress and continue at a later date. 
  • To do so, check the box at the top of the form, create a password, and click "save".
  • To resume a saved form, click the "resume a previously saved form" link and input your credentials.
  • PLEASE NOTE: the form does not autosave, so you will need to click "save" each time you want to save your progress.
  • If you forgot your password or email, contact Hannah Siroky at hsiroky@corpsnetwork.org for a password reset.

Primary Presenter Contact Information

Additional Presenter Contact Information

Click "Add another speaker" to include additional speakers
Session Details
All sessions will be 75 minutes in length

Character Limit: 150

Word Limit: 200

Intended Audience

Referral (Optional)

I Acknowledge That:
  • All proposed session presenters have provided their permission to be included in this submission.
  • If accepted, all presenters will be able and willing to present at the time and date specified by conference staff. If a scheduling conflict arises with any of session presenters, conference staff will be notified immediately.
  • TCN staff will have permission to share materials provided during the workshop to Conference attendees.
  • Submission of this form does not guarantee acceptance as a TCN National Conference workshop. If accepted, conference staff will notify the primary facilitator no later than November 20, 2023.
  • If accepted, all presenters attending the conference for longer than their workshop session will register by February 10, 2023. Presenters will be allowed to register at a discounted rate.
  • If accepted, all presentations and materials will be provided to conference staff no later than March 11, 2024.