Teach For All Education in Emergencies (EiE) Community Member Registration Form

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About the Community
What is this community and who is it for?
Teach For All’s ‘Education in Emergencies Community is a group of partner staff, teaching participants and alumni who are all driven to find ways to better support students and teachers impacted by crisis contexts. 

Members of this Community connect and learn from each other, for example by sharing ideas and best practices on refugee education, or by taking collective action after a natural disaster impacts the network.

Value for Members of This Community
  • Connect with like minded educational professionals
  • Be invited to Community calls with external guest speakers
  • Access to the monthly EiE Newsletter, training opportunities and announcements
  • Monthly drop in session with Head of EiE at Teach For All to collaborate, share ideas or get advice.
  • Have the opportunity to showcase your work on external platforms, and much more!  

For any questions about the community and how you can participate reach out to Katy.noble@teachforall.org

Select the first year you were a participant/fellow.

Hold the Ctrl or Command key to select multiple languages. Please note that language support is not guaranteed. Teach For All will contact you to discuss more if necessary.

I am interested in refugee education; I have worked in communities impacted by conflict; I have designed research/training on EiE

Learn... ; Build my network for... Help me publish an article on EiE; Learn best practices from other educators; Build my network for a possible career change

I have some experience in trauma-informed teaching; I can share how I entered the Humanitarian sector as a career.