As a LegalCORPS volunteer attorney, I understand that it is important that my pro bono service is properly recognized with thorough recordkeeping on the matters that I take through LegalCORPS. Therefore, I agree that I will be responsive to my client’s needs and communicative with both my client and with LegalCORPS staff, as needed. I also agree that I will provide LegalCORPS staff with a signed copy of the Client Engagement Agreement with the client. I will notify LegalCORPS if: a) my client actively withdraws from representation, b) stops communicating with me and I cannot reach him or her, or c) I am unavailable to continue the representation. If I have a change in employment, I will let LegalCORPS know, and make alternative arrangements for any LegalCORPS full representation matters that I am handling, whether that is taking them with me, securing my own replacement within my firm or company, or referring the client back to LegalCORPS. Lastly, I will notify LegalCORPS when my representation of a client ends, completing and returning the LegalCORPS Case Closing Form that staff provides me.
By providing prompt communication and documentation, I understand that the liability for LegalCORPS and myself for the pro bono service that I provide is mitigated.