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 Alabama Site Development Program

Note: Once you have completed Organization, Principal Officer Name, and Email, please save this form and  a Dropbox link will be emailed to you to upload all attachments. Attachments must be labeled accordingly, for example Attachment 1A_Business Case/ Site Advantages.

Link to List of All Required Files


Sector 1
Sector 2
Sector 3

1000 Characters
Attachment 1A: Business Case/Site Advantages




Attachments Needed: (Label Ex. Attachment 2A_ Phase I)

  • Attachment 2A: Site Documentation (Provide all studies Completed)

    • Phase I, Phase II, Wetland Delineation, Geotech, Cultural and Historical, Rare and Endangered Species, Labor Studies, etc.

  • Attachment 2B: Aerial map with boundaries

  • Attachment 2C: Topo map with boundaries

  • Attachment 2D: 100-year flood plain map

  • Attachment 2E: 20, 40, 60-mile Radius map from the site (showing roads)

  • Attachment 2F: 45-minute drive time illustrating labor demographics and map

  • Attachment 2G: Major Employers and manufacturers within 25 miles of the site

  • Attachment 2H: Brief Overview Past Projects lost due to lack of a quality site (if applicable)

  • Attachment 2I: Master Plan/Site Layout. This should include location of proposed infrastructure, grading plans and estimates, and potential building layout(s) for targeted business sector.

    • Provide plan, cost, and timeline completed by a licensed engineer along with cost estimates for any required infrastructure and utility construction



Road Name Distance
Closest two-lane paved public roadway
Closest four-lane highway and/or Insterstate

Attachment3TA: Provide plan, cost, and timeline for any road and/or bridge improvements need to develop the site (if applicable)

Attachment 3TB: Provide plan, cost, and timeline for any known    information regarding necessary rail access improvements, other    challenges regarding rail service access, or scheduled rail access    improvements; Letter and acknowledgement from Rail Provider.

Water Transportation

Attachment 3TC:

·   Provide plan, cost, and timeline for any known information regarding necessary barge access improvements, port improvements and other challenges regarding water service access, or scheduled water access improvements.

·   Map showing location of site in relation to transportation infrastructure (Required; Roads should be shown as either two, four, or multi-lane. Bridges on anything less than a federal highway should be noted.  If site is rail served, show rail and highlight the portion of site served by rail.  (If water or air service is at or near the site, please reference).




·       Provide plan, cost, and timeline for the planned upgrades.

·       Documentation regarding the status of electric power service to the site.

·       Letter from service provider


Attachments 3UE:

·       Documentation regarding the status of public wastewater treatment service to the site; if service is not presently at the site, include preliminary plans, cost estimates, and timelines.

·       Letter from Sewer Provider


Attachments 3UF:

·       Documentation regarding the status of public water service to the site; if service is not presently at the site, include preliminary plans, cost estimates, and timelines.

·       Letter from Water Provider

Natural Gas

Attachments 3UG:

·   Documentation regarding the status of natural gas service to the site; if service is not presently at the site, include preliminary plans, cost estimates, and timelines.


Attachments 3UH:

·       Documentation regarding the status of telecommunication service to the site; if service is not presently at the site, include preliminary plans, cost estimates, and timelines.

·       Letter from Telecom Provider(s)


·       Attachment 3UI: Map showing location of all utilities at site (required, up to five documents). Include site boundaries.

  ·   Attachment 3UJ: Map showing all planned infrastructure to the site (if applicable)



Attachment 4APublic: Letter from the Owner; Deed; Clear Title

Attachment 4BPrivate: Option Agreement and Letter from the owner

  1. Attachment 4CPrivate: At least one or a combination of the following:  Letter from public entity that owns property, verifying price and including terms and conditions of sales and/or lease OR Letter(s) of purchase option for sites optioned by an EDO or IDB/IDA OR letter(s) from owner(s) indicating the owner(s) willingness to sell for industrial purposes and outlining sale/lease terms.


A. Planned Uses

Requested Completed Describe
Site Grading
**Property Purchase
Transportation Improvements
Wetland Mitigation
Public Utilities: Plan, Cost, Timeline
Water/ Sewer Upgrades

Attachment 5A: Land purchases must have a current appraisal and Purchase sale agreement (PSA)

Attachment 5B: Provide all completed and current studies/assessments*


Note: *Transportation Improvements could include rail, waterway, and roads. SIDA (State Industrial Development Authority) may impose additional requirements with regard to the sites, including, utility and transportation related issues.


Note: Eligible uses of the sites that will be considered for the SEEDS Act includes the identification of targeted business sectors set forth in Accelerate Alabama 2.0.


Attachment(s) 5C: Scope of Work:

Please provide scope of work, cost estimates, and timeline for improvements to be funded (1 for Engineering and 2 for construction cost)

**Attachment 5D: (If you are purchasing property, provide next steps on site development and how you are going to market the property)

256 Characters

B. Total Cost of the Project

Please provide a list of sources and amounts for local match:
Source Amount for Local Match
Attachments 5D: Proof of Funding (ex. Resolution)
Source Amount for Local Match
Attachments 5E: Proof of Funding (ex. Resolution)
Source Amount for Local Match
Attachments 5F: Proof of Funding (ex. Resolution)

Note: A formula can be provided upon request. To request, please email gblalock@edpa.org.


By signing this SEEDS Application, the applicant certifies that all the information contained herein is true and correct. The applicant further acknowledges that if any of the information contained herein becomes incorrect, the applicant has a continuing duty to supplement this SEEDS Application.