Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Intake Form
The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank will use the information you provide in this form to submit an application to the PA Department of Human Services (DHS) on your behalf. However, BEFORE we can submit it to DHS, we will most likely need to speak with you.

By filling out this form, you give consent to and authorize the collection of information for a food stamps (SNAP) application by the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. This information will be included in the COMPASS SNAP application and shall be used by the Food Bank, the PA Department of Human Services, and your local County Assistance Office. Your information is confidential and WILL NOT be shared with additional parties.

Primary Applicant Information
Please provide your personal information below.

Outside of Service Territory
Unfortunately, you live outside of our service territory. To find help in your county, please go to https://www.centralpafoodbank.org/snap-partners/.

To find a local food pantry, please call 211 or text your zip code to 898-211.
Household Information

Renewal Follow-up Required
Before we proceed, we will need to call you for your case record and social security number and to discuss your personal circumstances. When would be the best day and/or time for us to reach you?

Contact Statewide Customer Service Center

Page 3: Income Verification

Household Income
1 Person Household: $2510; 2 P HH: $3408; 3 P HH: $4304; 4 P HH: $5200; for each additional person: $898

Page 4: Application Questions

Primary Applicant Information
Please provide information for the primary applicant's income and expenses and personal characteristics. 

Primary Applicant Earned Income Information

Primary Applicant Unearned Income Information
Please enter all sources of the Primary Applicant's unearned income below. Skip any categories that do not apply.

Family/Household Information
Please provide information for the rest of the household.

Household Member Earned Income Information

Household Member Unearned Income Information
Please enter all sources of this household member's unearned income below. Skip any categories that do not apply.

Please Click "Add Another Household Member" to enter the details for each member in your household
Household Expenses
Shelter Expenses

Other Household Expenses

Household Resources
Please enter details about the household's total combined resources below. Skip any categories that do not apply.

Intake Confirmation