420 Chartiers Avenue | McKees Rocks, PA 15136 | 412-243-6464

Outreach Performance Inquiry
For more information or to inquire about outreach performance availability, please fill out the following as completely as possible.
School/Organization Information

Enter two letter abbreviation. Ex - PA

Enter 5 digit zip code only.
Primary Contact Information

Please enter digits only. Example: 1234567890

Outreach Performance Inquiry
For more information or to inquire about outreach performance availability, please fill out the following as completely as possible.
Performance Information
Due to seating limits, visits to the theater are limited to 100 audience members including teachers/chaperones.

If your group is a mix of ages, please specify that range (ex. Ages 6 - 12)
Performance Options

Submit Form

Please submit your inquiry by clicking the Submit button below. Please note that this is only an inquiry and not a formal contract for an outreach performance and does not commit you, your organization or Gemini Children's Theater to the performance information listed above. A Gemini Theater Representative will contact you via email to confirm receipt of inquiry.

Please make outreach@geminitheater.org a "Safe Sender" for your email.