About you
First name
Last name
Position in organisation
Email address
Telephone number
About your organisation
Please answer these questions in the context of your entire organisation
Organisation name
Organisation type
Registered charity
Community Interest Company
Registered number
Registered office postcode
What is your annual revenue?
£0 to £100k
£100k to £250k
£250k to £500k
£500k to £1m
£1m to £2.5m
£2.5m to £5m
£5m to £10m
£10m plus
Overview of your organisation's services
Focus area(s)
Arts and culture
Crime and justice
Connections, community and loneliness
Democracy and law
Early years provision
Environment and climate change
Housing and homelessness
Jobs and employment
Mental health
Personal finances and debt
Physical health
Skills and education
Sport and activity
The social sector
Wellbeing economics
Service beneficiaries
Children (0-16)
Young people (16-25)
Elderly/old people
Other charities or voluntary bodies
People with mental health issues or their families/carers
People who are unemployed/at risk of becoming unemployed
People who are homeless/at risk of becoming homeless
Offenders/people in the criminal justice system
People of a particular ethnic or racial origin
People on low incomes
People with disabilities
Women and girls
Other service beneficiaries
Approximately how many people benefit from your services?
Service delivery regions
South East
South West
East Midlands
West Midlands
Yorkshire and the Humber
North East
North West
Northern Ireland
About your request
Please answer these questions in the context of your specific request
Which service(s) are you applying for?
Advocacy project
Analysis project
Advisory project
Please provide as much information as possible of your request. To enable us to assess your submission effectively and quickly, please include the following in your answer:
What issue would you like PBE’s help in addressing?
What service are you interested in evaluating? What is the main objective of that service?
What outcomes data do you collect, if any, of your service users. Please note if they are standardised outcomes.
If yes to the above, do you collect these outcomes data at baseline, and then follow up (either later on in service or at its end)?
If yes to the above, how large is the sample size (i.e., for how many service users do you hold both baseline and follow up outcomes data?)
If you are working towards a timeline, please provide details
How did you hear about us?
If you have any documents relevant to your request, please upload them below (maximum file size 5mb):
File upload 1
File upload 2
File upload 3
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