Apply to Perkins School for the Blind

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In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

ex: 1/2/2005

*To add additional family contacts use the "Add Another Family Contact" link below the first contact
Family Contact

must be unique for each contact

ex: ###-###-####

This must be the email address of one of the family contacts entered above.

(ex: Massachusetts Commission for the Blind, New England Consortium of Deafblindness, a state Deafblind Poject. etc)

(please describe briefly)

School District/Other Contact

ex: ###-###-####
Educational Information

(please describe)

Daily Living Skills

Social Skills

Behavior and Adjustment


Orientation and Mobility

Medical Information

Vision and Hearing Impairment
Vision Information

Visual Acuity


Amplified Devices

Other Thoughts

File Upload 

Submit application materials here or by mail, email, or fax. 

File types that can be uploaded for documents:

  • .doc (Older Microsoft Word format)
  • .docx (Current Microsoft Word format)
  • .pdf (Adobe PDF)
  • .odt (Open Office word processor document)
File types that can be uploaded for images:
  • .bmp (Bitmap)
  • .gif (Graphics Interchange Format)
  • .jpg (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
  • .jpeg (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
  • .png (Portable Network Graphics)
  • .tif (Tagged Image File)
Image Upload

Help us to know our applicants better.

File types that can be uploaded for images:
  • .bmp (Bitmap)
  • .gif (Graphics Interchange Format)
  • .jpg (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
  • .jpeg (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
  • .png (Portable Network Graphics)
  • .tif (Tagged Image File)
Permission and Privacy Statement

If you have applied to Perkins within the last 6 months, please contact our office before submitting any documents other than this application.