Mountainlands Community Housing Trust (MCHT) is an equal opportunity affordable housing developer. MCHT and it's staff act in accordance with the Fair Housing Act, which prohibits discrimination and the intimidation of people in their homes, apartment buildings, and condominium development.
Please be sure to have all the required documentation in an electronic
pdf format, ready for easy uploading. If your documents are too large, you will encounter an error message when you try to submit the application. Keep or compress your documents into the kilobyte file size range. A list of required documentation was provided via email and is below as well. It is up to you to provide the required documents pertaining to your situation.
- Copy of Primary Applicant's Utah Driver's License or Utah State ID card.
- Paystubs (a two month history) for all income sources in the past 12 months. This means the last two months for current jobs and the final two months for any other jobs worked in the last 12 months at which you are not currently working (seasonal work or previous jobs). Each paystub must include employee and employer information, pay period dates, itemized gross earnings, deductions, and a summary including the year to date information.
- A completed and employer signed Verification of Employment for each employer.
- Last two most recent tax returns (all pages) and W-2s for each wage earner (If self employed, attach copies of: (a) state business registration, (b) Summit or Wasatch County business license and (c) evidence that the business provides substantial goods/services within Summit or Wasatch County).
- Official documentation supporting any other income (e.g., divorce settlement papers, unemployment statements, etc.).
- 3 months statements for all assets and liabilities (e.g., bank statements, investment account statements, etc.).
- A current loan pre-approval letter from a lender showing maximum purchase price and total household income used for loan qualification. If your lender has not included the qualifying income on the letter please wait to submit your application until you have an updated letter.