Deed Restricted Workforce Housing Eligibility Application

Important Information - Please Read
Mountainlands Community Housing Trust (MCHT)  is an equal opportunity affordable housing developer. MCHT and it's staff act in accordance with the Fair Housing Act, which prohibits discrimination and the intimidation of people in their homes, apartment buildings, and condominium development.

Please be sure to have all the required documentation in an electronic pdf format, ready for easy uploading. If your documents are too large, you will encounter an error message when you try to submit the application. Keep or compress your documents into the kilobyte file size range. A list of required documentation was provided via email and is below as well. It is up to you to provide the required documents pertaining to your situation.
  • Copy of Primary Applicant's Utah Driver's License or Utah State ID card.
  • Paystubs (a two month history) for all income sources in the past 12 months. This means the last two months for current jobs and the final two months for any other jobs worked in the last 12 months at which you are not currently working (seasonal work or previous jobs). Each paystub must include employee and employer information, pay period dates, itemized gross earnings, deductions, and a summary including the year to date information.
  • A completed and employer signed Verification of Employment for each employer.
  • Last two most recent tax returns (all pages) and W-2s for each wage earner (If self employed, attach copies of: (a) state business registration, (b) Summit or Wasatch County business license and (c) evidence that the business provides substantial goods/services within Summit or Wasatch County).
  • Official documentation supporting any other income (e.g., divorce settlement papers, unemployment statements, etc.).
  • 3 months statements for all assets and liabilities (e.g., bank statements, investment account statements, etc.).
  • A current loan pre-approval letter from a lender showing maximum purchase price and total household income used for loan qualification. If your lender has not included the qualifying income on the letter please wait to submit your application until you have an updated letter.
Saving the Application
Should you realize you need additional documentation after you start the application, you can click the "save my progress and resume later" link at the top or bottom of any page. You'll be promoted to submit an email and password. Afterwards you'll receive an email with a link that can be used later to open the application and continue working. When you return to complete the form, you will need to provide the same email and password. 

If your internet connection is inconsistent, please save your progress as you go. All required fields must be filled. Any left blank will be highlighted in red when you attempt to submit.

Primary Applicant

Provide details for the Primary Applicant below. The Primary Applicant will be the main contact for Mountainlands followup inquiries. It is required that the Primary Applicant be the most significant contributor to the family income. If there is a Co-Applicant, please include their details as well.

First-Time Home Buyer Education
Date Homebuyer class completed or NA if you haven't attended one.

Current Property Ownership

Program Eligibility Validation




Other Household Members

Please provide information on any other members of your household, such as children, grandparents, or other adults in the household who are residents. A household is defined as all related and unrelated individuals occupying a unit as their primary residence.

Additional Household Member #1

Additional Household Member #2

Additional Household Member #3

Additional Household Member #4

Additional Household Member #5

*If you still have additional household members please notify the organization in your next meeting.

Household Income

For each household member 18 years of age and older (including contributing family members temporarily absent), create enough Income Sources to truly represent the household's annual income. This includes any unemployment disbursements.
Primary Applicant Employment / Income Source Information

Additional Primary Applicant Employment / Income #2 

Additional Primary Applicant Employment / Income #3 

Supply each income source the Co-Applicant receives. Sources of income include earned income from employment as well as benefits, social security and child support.

Co-Applicant Employment / Income 

Additional Co-Applicant Employment / Income #2 

Additional Co-Applicant Employment / Income #3 

Supply each income source other household members receive. Sources of income include earned income from employment as well as benefits, social security, disability and child support.

Other Household Member Employment / Income 

Other Household Member Employment / Income #2 

Other Household Member Employment / Income #3 

Asset Certification

Include on this form all assets owned by all household members.  Please attach statements covering the last three months for all assets listed such as bank statements, investment account, etc.
Please list the current value of all household Assets. Please enter numbers without dollar signs. If zero, enter "0".

Assets Certification Questions 

Assets Certification Questions 

Additional Information and Document Uploading

Additional Documents
An application is not considered complete unless the following documents are included (tax returns, W2s, loan preapproval letter, and current pay stubs). The "Other" is where you can upload any additional documentation that will be helpful or necessary to support your application.

Authorization and Signatures

Acknowledging authorization

To submit this application, all household members over the age of 18 must sign (type) their names below. By clicking the ‘submit’ button at the bottom of this page and submitting this application, each person signing acknowledges and agrees to the following:



Each signer hereby authorizes Mountainlands Community Housing Trust (Mountainlands) to make such investigation(s) into the signer's financial history as Mountainlands deems appropriate to evaluate this application. Such investigation typically includes (but is not limited to) verification of employment, income and assets, and criminal history.

Each signer hereby acknowledges that the information provided has not been falsified and is an accurate representation of their situation.

When you click submit below it may take a few moments. Please only hit the Submit button once. We’ll double check to make sure you have submitted all the necessary fields. If you've missed anything you may need to use the Previous Page and Next Page buttons to navigate back to the field missing info. When you've filled out any of the missing pieces, submit again.

Upon receipt of your application, the provided information will be reviewed by Mountainlands staff. If additional information is required, you will be contacted. If everything is completed properly and your household's eligibility is verified, Mountainlands staff will contact you to walk you through the REPC (Real Estate Purchase Contract). 

Thank you for taking the time to complete this application!