Join the Episcopal Pulse Community
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to learn more about this initative. To join, we'd first like to get to know about you and your role in the Episcopal Church.
First off, which of the following best describes your ministry within the church?
Lay Leader
None/Not Sure
In which part of the US do you currently live? If you live in several places, please enter the region you reside in the most.
Northeast (CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT)
Midwest (IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI)
South (AL, AR, DE, DC, FL, GA, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV)
West (AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY)
Outside of the US
Which diocese do you belong to? If you're not sure, select "None/Not Sure."
Diocese of Albany
Diocese of Bethlehem
Diocese of Central New York
Diocese of Central Pennsylvania
Diocese of Connecticut
Diocese of Long Island
Diocese of Maine
Diocese of Massachusetts
Diocese of New Hampshire
Diocese of New Jersey
Diocese of New York
Diocese of Newark
Diocese of Pennsylvania
Diocese of Pittsburgh
Diocese of Rhode Island
Diocese of Rochester
Diocese of Vermont
Diocese of Western Massachusetts
Diocese of Western New York & Northwestern Pennsylvania
Other/My diocese isn't listed here
None/Not sure
Which diocese do you belong to? If you're not sure, select "None/Not Sure."
Diocese of Chicago
Diocese of Eastern Michigan
Diocese of Eau Claire
Diocese of Fond du Lac
Diocese of Indianapolis
Diocese of Iowa
Diocese of Kansas
Diocese of Michigan
Diocese of Milwaukee
Diocese of Minnesota
Diocese of Missouri
Diocese of Montana
Diocese of Nebraska
Diocese of North Dakota
Diocese of Northern Indiana
Diocese of Northern Michigan
Diocese of Ohio
Diocese of South Dakota
Diocese of Southern Ohio
Diocese of Springfield
Diocese of West Missouri
Diocese of Western Kansas
Diocese of Western Michigan
Other/My diocese isn't listed here
None/Not sure
Which diocese do you belong to? If you're not sure, select "None/Not Sure."
Diocese of Alabama
Diocese of Arkansas
Diocese of Atlanta
Diocese of Central Florida
Diocese of Dallas
Diocese of Delaware
Diocese of East Carolina
Diocese of East Tennessee
Diocese of Easton
Diocese of Florida
Diocese of Georgia
Diocese of Kentucky
Diocese of Lexington
Diocese of Louisiana
Diocese of Maryland
Diocese of Mississippi
Diocese of North Carolina
Diocese of Northwest Texas
Diocese of Oklahoma
Diocese of South Carolina
Diocese of Southeast Florida
Diocese of Southern Virginia
Diocese of Southwest Florida
Diocese of Southwestern Virginia
Diocese of Tennessee
Diocese of Texas
Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast
Diocese of the Rio Grande
Diocese of Upper South Carolina
Diocese of Virginia
Diocese of Washington
Diocese of West Tennessee
Diocese of West Texas
Diocese of West Virginia
Diocese of Western Louisiana
Diocese of Western North Carolina
Other/My diocese isn't listed here
None/Not sure
Which diocese do you belong to? If you're not sure, select "None/Not Sure."
Diocese of Alaska
Diocese of Arizona
Diocese of California
Diocese of Colorado
Diocese of Eastern Oregon
Diocese of El Camino Real
Diocese of Hawai'i
Diocese of Idaho
Diocese of Los Angeles
Diocese of Nevada
Diocese of Northern California
Diocese of Olympia
Diocese of San Diego
Diocese of San Joaquin
Diocese of Spokane
Diocese of the Navajoland
Diocese of Western Oregon
Diocese of Wyoming
Other/My diocese isn't listed here
None/Not sure
Which diocese do you belong to? If you're not sure, select "None/Not Sure."
Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe
Diocese of Colombia
Diocese of Cuba
Diocese of Ecuador Litoral
Diocese of Ecuador-Central
Diocese of Haiti
Diocese of Honduras
Diocese of Micronesia
Diocese of Puerto Rico
Diocese of Taiwan
Diocese of the Dominican Republic
Diocese of the Virgin Islands
Diocese of Utah
Diocese of Venezuela
Other/My diocese isn't listed here
None/Not sure
To the best of your knowledge, what is your congregation's average weekly service attendance?
Under 30 people
30-60 people
60-100 people
100-200 people
200-400 people
400+ people
N/A - I don't regularly worship at an Episcopal congregation
For this next section, we have a few questions to get to know you a bit more. Please note, the information we record will only be looked at in aggregate and used for Episcopal Pulse research purposes only.
Please enter your birthdate in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY
Which of the following best descibes your gender?
Prefer Not To Say
Which of the following best descibes your race?
Black or African American
Native American or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Prefer not to say
And are you of
or Hispanic origin?
I am of
/ Hispanic origin
I am not of
/ Hispanic origin
What languages do you speak at home? (Select all that apply)
Chinese (including Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, and other varieties)
French or French Creole
Tagalog (including Filipino)
To the best you can estimate, how much of the language spoken at home is English?
Little-to-no English spoken at home
(almost entirely other language(s) spoken)
Mostly other language(s) spoken at home
, but some English too
About half English
/ half other language(s) spoken at home
Mostly English spoken at home
, but some other language(s) too
Almost entirely English spoken at home
(Little-to-no other language(s) spoken)
Lastly, please provide the following contact details. Unless you wish to receive general emails from the Episcopal Church Foundation, this information will only be used to reach out to you for our monthly survey, or to contact you if you win one of our monthly drawings.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
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Yes, I would also like to receive general emails from the Episcopal Church Foundation!
No, I only want to receive emails from the Episcopal Pulse Survey.
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