SIR Virtual Angio Club Marathon: Case Submissions

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SIR Virtual Case Club Submissions

SIR National Angio Club Marathon - A Journey Through Innovation and Expertise

The inaugural SIR National Angio Club Marathon is a 4-hour virtual event where expertise meets endurance. Join our hosts, Kush Desai, MD, FSIR, the SIR 2025 scientific chair, and Kumar Madassery, MD, FSIR the vice-chair, as they introduce interventional radiologists showcasing a variety of hot topic cases from across the country.

To submit a case for consideration, please review and complete the information below by May 5th, 2024.
SIR Virtual Angio Club Policies

Virtual Angio Club Webinar Submission and Participation Policies

Welcome to the SIR Virtual Angio Club! To ensure a productive and engaging experience for all participants, we have established the following policies for submitting and participating in our webinars. These policies are designed to maintain the quality and integrity of our educational events.

1. SIR Membership Requirement:

  • All presenters and attendees must be active members of the Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) to participate in the Virtual Angio Club webinars.

2. Trainee Submission Requirements:

  • Trainees (residents, fellows, or medical students) wishing to submit cases for presentation in the Virtual Angio Club must adhere to the following guidelines:
    • Submitting trainees must include their attending's information during the submission process.
    • The attending physician's name, contact information, and affiliation must be clearly provided.

3. Attending Presence Requirement:

  • Attending physicians whose trainees have submitted cases are required to be present during the Virtual Angio Club webinar in which the case is presented.
  • The attending physician's presence is vital for providing valuable insights and guidance during the case presentation and discussion.

4. Submission Guidelines:

  • Submissions should adhere to ethical and patient privacy guidelines, ensuring that no patient-identifiable information is disclosed.
  • The content of submissions should be evidence-based, with appropriate references provided as necessary.

5. Review and Selection Process:

  • Accepted submissions will be scheduled for presentation in upcoming webinars, and the submitting trainees and their attending physicians will be notified in advance.

6. Code of Conduct:

  • All participants are expected to maintain a respectful and professional demeanor during the webinars.
  • Constructive feedback and open dialogue are encouraged, but disrespectful or offensive behavior will not be tolerated.

7. Recording and Sharing:

  • Virtual Angio Club webinars may be recorded for educational purposes and made available to SIR members.

By participating in the Virtual Angio Club, you agree to adhere to these policies. We look forward to your valuable contributions and the advancement of interventional radiology knowledge. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at

Thank you for your commitment to the field of IR and the SIR Virtual Angio Club!


Contact Information

  • All cases will be reviewed by the  Virtual Angio Club Marathon Hosts. If your proposal is chosen, you will be notified to prepare the case for presentation. 
  • Trainees: Your attending physician's name must be included with your submission. Attendings must be present the day of the presentation.
  • Cases can be submitted either as abstracts or PowerPoint presentations.

Option 1: Submit an Abstract
Use this section to inform the committee about your case.  You can either describe the case in this field or upload a Word document.  If you have a PowerPoint case to submit, go to the next section: Option 2: Submit a PowerPoint

Option 2: Submit a Power Point presentation- instructions and format
If you are uploading a presentation, please see the instructions below and then proceed to the next section to upload.  
  • Case must be saved in Microsoft PowerPoint format. The presentation should be between 6-10 minutes and the total number of slides should be 8-10 in total.
  • The title should be concise and describe the case to be reported.
  • The presenter information should only include: (a) Name(s) as full first name, middle initial and last name. Underline the name of the presenting author of the presentation.
  • The structure of the case must consist of the following components: (suggested number of slides are included)
  1. Title slide as noted above (1 slide)
  2. Initial patient presentation with brief history and exam findings to include pertinent PMHx, meds, allergies, vitals, labs, and physical exam findings (1-2 slides)
  3. Pertinent pre-procedure imaging such as non-invasive imaging (CTA/MRA/Duplex US) and vascular lab studies (ABIs, PVRs, segmental pressures) (1-2 slides)
  4. Procedural imaging such as IVUS and angiography with annotations (wire, catheter, specialty device crossing device, atherectomy, etc.), when appropriate (4-6 slides)
  5. Clinical follow-up for the patient to include symptom improvement, change in ABI, demonstration of wound healing (picture), follow-up non-invasive imaging (1-2 slides)
  6. The final slide should state a teaching point (basic or complex) that this case illustrates.  As selected cases will be presented to an audience of members of the IR team, this will serve as an important teaching opportunity for the case presenter.
Upload Case
To upload your case, click "choose file" and browse to upload your featured case that you would like to submit. Please submit a separate form for each case. 

The case should be submitted in a PowerPoint format and adhere to all of the above format requirements.

If the file you are trying to upload is too big, submit a blank word document in its place and email the file to