Sign up for Christmas Fairy Tales with Jason Buck at Scarborough Library (with all the juicy bits left in!) 


Adult Sign-Up Details

Please select the following school/educational settings that describe the children that are attending the event.
Participant age group information
Home-educated children

Children details
School details
Please provide the details of your children's school and year group below. To add more than one child/school, please click on add another child/school at the bottom. 

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We may wish to contact you about other activities delivered by the National Literacy Trust which are relevant to you or fall within your regional location. We will not send you marketing emails unless you opt in to receive news about the work being delivered by the National Literacy Trust. 

We will only pass data to those who have agreed to uphold the terms of our privacy policy. Data will not be shared with any other third parties unless this is required by law.

You have the right to access, correct or delete your information, and to complain to the Information Commission if you are unhappy with how your data has been processed. Full details of our data processing and your rights are provided in our privacy policy at