"Volunteer Application Form"

Volunteer Application Form

1. About You

If you would like to talk someone about volunteering or for help with this form please email us at volunteers@shaw-trust.org.uk
Personal Details

Your Health and Wellbeing
It's essential that you give us any and all relevant information about your health and wellbeing so that we can keep everyone safe.

The Equality Act 2010 protects disabled people - including those with long term health conditions, learning differences and so-called "hidden" disabilities such as dyslexia. If you tell us that you have a disability we can make reasonable adjustments to make sure you have the support and reasonable adjustments you need. 

If you've told us about health conditions above, you don't need to repeat your answers here.

Under 18s
As you're under 18, we need to know your full date of birth and we will need to get parental consent for you to volunteer. Please give us  your Parent/Guardian's email address. We will email them straight away and mention your name as you have written it above.

Please note you need to be 14 and over to volunteer in our shops and over 18 to do some of our volunteer roles.

2. Your Skills and Interests

Everyone has something to offer. We want to make the most of the skills and experience you already have as well as give you all the training and support you need.


This helps us get your application to the right shop manager quickly
We currently welcome volunteers on two programmes supporting people into work.

The Work and Health Programme (WHP) covers central England, the home counties, and West London. Volunteer coaches and mentors support people with their wellbeing, confidence, and skills to help them on their route into work. By delivering groups or one-to-one support, volunteers directly support a wide range of people by giving them the time, care, and knowledge they need. In some cases, volunteers can deliver group sessions virtually (from home or one of our offices).

The Restart Programme is in Birmingham. Volunteers help run Jobseeker sessions where we help people to find the right job for them. By volunteering alongside our staff, you'll help these sessions run smoothly and give people direct support to find their perfect fit.
Disability Living Foundation
We are delighted to be in the process of launching new virtual volunteering roles early in 2024.

If you would like to volunteer to support/moderate our online forum or to contribute your lived experience to our 'Ask the Expert' database, then we would love to hear from you.

We look forward to sharing more information about these roles soon. You can apply now as an expression of interest.
Health and Wellbeing
The Work and Health Programme (WHP) covers central England, the home counties, and West London. Because seeking employment can be very challenging for people, volunteers support this programme by directly supporting people with their wellbeing, resilience and confidence.

By delivering groups or one-to-one support, volunteers directly support a wide range of people by giving them the time, care, and knowledge they need to get through a challenging time. In some cases, volunteers can deliver group sessions virtually (from home or one of our offices).
Children and Young People
We're looking for volunteers for the Youth Support Team across Gloucestershire. By supporting young people through youth clubs, events, and Youth Justice Panels, you can make a real difference in your community. Find out more here: We are the Gloucestershire Youth Support Team

3. References

We cannot accept references from family members.

We can accept references from people who know you from a personal or professional context. F
or example, a current or previous manager, colleague, support worker, landlord, faith leader, teacher, friend, or neighbour.

We will only request a reference if we intend to offer you a role. 
Referee Details

4. Emergency Contacts

Just in case, please give us a name and number of someone for us to contact in case of emergency.
Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact 2

5. Equal Opportunities - OPTIONAL 

Your answers will be kept private and will not impact your recruitment. We will never use the information in a way that could identify you. Your answers help us to understand what we need to work on to be as inclusive as we strive to be.

About you - OPTIONAL
Please give the answers which best fit for you.

Your gender

Sexual orientation

Ethnic group
Following the ONS National Census, this question is divided into two parts. Firstly we ask for your 'high-level' ethnic group(s). Secondly, we'll ask for a bit more detail. We have also taken the wording from the ONS Census. This helps us understand how our volunteers reflect wider trends.

You can select as many ethnic groups as you wish.
Could you tell us a bit more please?
You can select as many ethnic groups as you wish.

Religion or belief

What is your current employment stats?

What best describes your highest level of qualifications?

6. Some Policies

Almost done - there are just a few things we need to check first.
If you have any unspent convictions, let us know below. Any convictions do not necessarily exclude you from volunteering with us and we assess this on a case-by-case basis.

Conflict of Interests
Do you have any relationship or prior engagement with Shaw Trust? This could include as a participant on one of our programmes, family members working for Shaw Trust, prior contractual engagement with us or a professional connection. 

This is to protect the reputation of Shaw Trust, its employees and agents from accusations of bias, partiality or favouritism and comply with the Bribery Act 2010 and Charities Act 1993.

This does not exclude you from volunteering with us, but in the interests of openness, please declare the details as per our Conflict of Interests policy.

One Last Thing...

Data Protection
We'll only use the information you've given us here for your volunteering record. It will be treated as confidential and stored in line with data protection legislation. You can read the Volunteer Privacy Notice for further details about Shaw Trust's commitment to protecting your data.

In submitting your application form you are declaring that the information you have given us is correct.