Applicants must submit all of the following items by the deadline of September 20, 2024. If the applicant is chosen for the Fellowship, his/her/their images will be used for publication unless new images are received. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Applicants applying for a collaborative project must follow all application procedures as individuals. Both should note in their application with whom they are applying and the nature of the collaboration. This does not apply to applicants who are planning to bring an assistant for a portion of the Fellowship.
Applicant Requirements
All applicants must fulfill the following requirements:
Over 21 years of age when Fellowship commences
Proficient in the English language
Ability to secure assistants, if needed, to accomplish your project. WheatonArts does not provide assistants to Fellows.
Capable of assisting other Fellows when mutually beneficial
Able to reside in on-site housing during the term of the Fellowship
Work in view of visitors for a portion of their Fellowship, not including assisting time
Submit one work made during the Fellowship to the acquisitions committee for review. If accepted, the work will be included in the collection of the Museum of American Glass at WheatonArts
Commit to one virtual presentation
Applicants must submit all of the following items as specified by the deadline of September 20, 2024. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Application Materials Checklist:

Two References
Within the application, you must register two references who can best speak to your ability to carry
out the project being proposed. They should be able to discuss your professional preparation and
your ability to work in a community setting with other residents. You should provide the references
with a copy of your Statement of Intent before requesting their reference. Reference conversations
are confidential and will not be shared outside of the selection committee team.
Specifications for images:
Resolution of 300 dpi, saved in a JPEG file format, 6 inches in the largest dimension.
Title each image file with the applicant's last name and number of work to indicate order (i.e., Smith01, Smith02, etc…).
Image No. 1 should represent the work you feel is of the best quality.
Image No. 10 should represent what you would pursue as a Fellow
PLEASE DO NOT format the images into a presentation!
PLEASE DO NOT submit more or less than 10 images!
Special Note about Videos: Only submit videos if relevant to your project. Submit no more than two videos. Each video should not exceed two minutes in length. Please do not send videos that are autobiographical or promotional in nature. If you upload a video directly, please make sure your video is in one of the following formats: .avi, .mpg, mpeg, .wmv, .mp4, .mov, or .qt. Your video sample must be in one of these acceptable file types in order to be viewed by the panelists. In order to be uploaded, videos must meet the following minimum requirements: Resolution: At least 480 x 360; Frames per second (fps): At least 12; Submitting your video in the mp4 (H.264) format at 640 x 480 with mp3 audio will allow for efficient uploading while showing your clips to best advantage.

Image Information Sheet
The image information sheet should include the title of each piece, medium, description/technique,
dimensions, and date of completion.

Statement of Intent
Explain how you would use a Fellowship to benefit your artistic and career development. Please
describe your goals, vision, and anticipated outcomes. Please indicate the primary disciplines,
mediums, and glass techniques you will employ during your residency. Include any other relevant
information or special needs concerning your residency and/or project.

Current Resume/C.V.
Applicants with a native language other than English must present proof of English language
proficiency via a foreign language assessment form. Within the online application, you will be asked
to register someone who can provide a testament to your language proficiency. We will contact this
individual and ask them to complete the Foreign Language Assessment Form on your behalf. It is
imperative that you possess the language skills required in order to successfully communicate your
project goals and needs while carrying out your Fellowship. Submission of this form is mandatory
for all those whose native language is not English, even if you have advanced skills or native-
speaker ability.
It is preferred that the entire application, including images and supporting documents, be submitted online. If further assistance is necessary please contact Pamela Weichmann at If awarded a fellowship, your application images may be used for publication.
Deadline for all applications: September 20, 2024
Selection Notification: November 2024