Oakland Promise Request For Proposals 2024 for Oakland Children’s Initiative (OCI) Funding

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OCI and OP logo

Vision: A thriving Oakland community without educational barriers to opportunity.

Mission: Engaging the Oakland community to advance equity and economic mobility through programs serving Oakland youth and families from cradle to college, and promoting future career achievement.

About Our Programs: Our holistic approach includes development of educational materials, providing programming, educational events, direct services, and financial coaching and support, to support a culture of career and college preparedness in students, families, and educators, so we can dramatically increase the number of college graduates from Oakland public schools. For more information regarding our organization and our programs, visit us here.



The Oakland Children’s Initiative, driven to the ballot by community advocacy, is a 2018 Charter Amendment passed by the citizens of Oakland. Its purpose is to deepen the early investment in children and support them through college graduation by dramatically expanding access to high quality preschool and providing college access, mentorship, and scholarship support services for students to obtain undergraduate, associate’s, or technical degrees. The distribution of funds from this Initiative aims to supplement and build upon existing programs supporting college opportunity, access, and success. 

As a result of the Oakland Children’s Initiative, the City of Oakland (the “City”) selected Oakland Promise as one of two Implementation Partners for the Oakland Promise Fund, to deepen programming and services furthering the 5 Year Guidelines of this Initiative, which includes 8 goals outlined in the ordinance. In connection with the funding it will receive from the City to implement this programming, Oakland Promise seeks to collaborate with organizations by subcontracting certain elements of the work it is undertaking for the City (referred to throughout this RFP as the “Project”).


Oakland Promise is issuing an RFP to support elements of its core programming (each program is described above under the section titled “About Oakland Promise”), in alignment with the 8 goals outlined in the 5 Year Guidelines of the Oakland Children Initiative described above. The RFP form contains a detailed breakdown of the types of services we seek subcontractors to perform.

This RFP seeks subcontractors to perform the services described in the RFP Form during the period beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025 (the “Project Period”). We reserve the right to engage subcontractors for all or only a portion of the Project Period.  We also include for each item, a range of fees budgeted to pay subcontractors performing these services. All subcontractor fee ranges are budgeted amounts only and represent our best estimate of available project funds to compensate subcontractors for the services described. Final contract amount (subcontractor fees) will be negotiated with each subcontractor individually prior to engagement. 

Eligibility & Award Information
  • Organizations or Individuals must provide services and have a presence in the city of Oakland 
  • Alignment with Oakland Promise and Oakland Children's Initiative's goals of supporting college opportunity, access, and success
  • Optional but Highly Preferred: applicants who are eligible for the City of Oakland’s Local and Small Local Business Certification or have an existing City of Oakland SLBE Certification (as per grant requirement, a portion of the funds are to be distributed to S/LBE businesses)

Funding Amount
The total amount we aim to award this cycle is $3 million. The grant period starts July 1, 2024 and ends on June 30, 2025. For reference, last year we allocated these awards across 32 partners.

Use of Funds 
Grant funds may be used towards: 
  • Oakland-based programming, activities, and direct services aligned to the 8 goals outlined in the 5-year guidelines
  • Proposals that only request salary funding must be related to direct service and/or programming
RFP Timeline
All prospective applicants are hereby advised of the following schedule and will be expected to adhere to the timelines listed below.



January 30, 2024

Request For Proposals (RFP) released and made available to prospective applicants

January 30 - February 16, 2024

Window for questions on RFP process or project scope of work

March 8, 2024 (5:00pm PST)

Proposal submission due date. Complete RFP submission packages must be submitted by this deadline.

March 11, 2024

Review of proposals begins

April 4, 2024

Selected applicants will be notified of proposal acceptance

April 11 - April 12, 2024

Unsuccessful applicants will be notified during this period

April 4 - June 30, 2024

Negotiation and execution of contracts for selected proposals

July 1, 2024

Contract Effective Date, Program Start Date

Checklist of Materials
The following documents will be required: 
  • Organization's demographic information 
  • Proposed Scope of Work 
  • Proposed Budget Template 
  • Certifications and Licenses: Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE)/ Local Business Enterprise (LBE) certification, Business License, [For individual applicants] Credential/certification(s) and/or a letter of support from a previous or current client
  • W9
Thank you for your interest in the Oakland Promise Children's Initiative Request For Proposal. 

If you would like to collaborate with other members of your organization, please feel free to make a copy of the application here via google docs. Once you have completed it, you will copy and paste your answers to this form with your final submission. 

Applicant Information


Points of Contact
Please list the name of the individual who should be the point of contact from your organization to receive correspondence and updates regarding the RFP. 

If we are unable to reach your first contact, we will follow up with your second contact. 


Please provide a second point of contact in the case that we are unable to reach your first contact.  


Organizational Mission, Demographics, and Services

200 word limit

200 word limit

Individual Applicant Demographics and Services

200 words max

Oakland Promise Program Alignment

Oakland Promise has 4 programs. You will be asked to select the program(s) your services are most aligned to. Once a program has been selected, there are Children Initiative goals to which your work must align. 

Children's Initiative Goals 

Based on your selection of the Oakland Promise program that you are interested in working with, 

there are Children Initiative goals to which your work must align. 

Please note that selected subcontractors will need to adhere to Results Based Accountability (RBA) performance measures reporting aligned to each goal throughout the duration of the funding.
You can find all 8 goals outlined in this document. However, there are specific goals associated with certain Oakland Promise programs. 

Scope of Work for Brilliant Baby Program

Scope of Work for Kindergarten to College

Scope of Work for College Access

Scope of Work for College Completion

Scope of Work for East Oakland Promise Neighborhood

Scope of Work for Impact and Evaluation

Additional attachments and acknowledgements

Please make a copy of this budget template and outline how the funds will be used. 


For organizations based in Oakland, we are asking for a SLBE certification if your organization is eligible for it. Please visit City of Oakland's website here for more information regarding requirements and how to apply. 

If you do not have this certification, you may apply for it immediately after submitting this RFP. Please email the application number at your earliest convenience at Partnerships@oaklandpromise.org. 


