Teach For Lebanon: Cohort 16 Fellowship

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About Teach for Lebanon


Teach For Lebanon (TFL) is an NGO working to ensure that all children in Lebanon, regardless of socioeconomic background, have access to quality education. The model of Teach For Lebanon is an education innovation that focuses on youth capacity building to provide quality intervention and systemic support for students. TFL employs and trains Lebanon’s most promising graduates, “TFL Fellows”, and places them in schools serving underprivileged refugee and Lebanese children. These Fellows receive on-going training and support to address educational disadvantages by providing transformational teaching that places their students on a path of academic success. Along the way, they become leaders and advocates for a better Lebanon.

Learn More: www.teachforlebanon.org

Role Summary                                                                          

The Teach For Lebanon Fellowship is a program that offers the chance to passionate students to give back to their communities through a professional development opportunity that can impact their lives and those of underprivileged students in Lebanon. TFL is looking for empathetic individuals who are self-driven, eager to learn and work on their professional development, resilient, compassionate with strong cultural sensitivity and passionate about serving in underprivileged communities


Main Accountabilities

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:


·         Facilitate learning by creating a positive environment in his classroom and organizing his learning resources

·         Foster the appropriate social skills to enable the optimum development of children according to their age and aptitude

·         Challenge and inspire pupils to help them think critically and deepen their knowledge of subjects

·         Spend extra hours to work on establishing team-building activities, projects, and clubs

·         Help the pupils with their self-esteem by enabling them to express their thoughts and feelings in a safe environment

·         Encourage tolerance in his classroom, on the basis of racial, social, economic, religious, and gender equality

·         Raise the level of awareness of his pupils regarding their involvement in environmental and global issues    

Whom Are We Looking For?

- Age Limit: Since the Teach For Lebanon Fellowship aims at building future leaders, applicants will have to be younger than 31 years old

- Undergraduate Degree: Students in the final year of their undergraduate or graduate degree and young professionals are encouraged to apply. Applicants must have completed all coursework required for the undergraduate degree from an accredited university by the spring of the recruitment year.

- Lebanese national/foreign national status: Teach For Lebanon readily accepts applications from Lebanese applicants. Others will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Knowledge, Skills & Experience 

- Bachelor degree in any field 

- 0 to 1 year of experience in the education field

- Proficiency in English/French and Arabic

- Strong command of Microsoft Office Applications

- Organizational ability

- Communication skills 

Working Conditions

Location: The chosen candidate will be teaching in a partner school in the same region as their area of residence.


·       A two-year contract with $500 stipend 

·       Continuous leadership training and skills development throughout the program. 

·       Medical-life insurance 

·       Opportunity to apply for a scholarship to undergo a Master’s Program at one of the following universities: AUB, LAU, NDU, University of Balamand, and Haigazian University, after successful completion of the fellowship.


Duration: A two-year contract renewable after the successful completion of the first year 

TFLTeach For Lebanon Cohort 16 - Application 
Personal Information

Current Address

Academic Information

Fellowship-Related Information

Work Experience 

Open-Ended Questions
Using the language (Arabic, French or English) you are most comfortable with, and you plan to use during teaching, answer the below questions.

Plagiarism of any form (including the use of AI like ChatGPT) will result in the automatic disqualification of your application. 

Kindly provide us with 2 references: academic or professional (Please note that relatives and/or friends are not considered references).