2025 Cellular Construction Workshop — Teacher Application

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Teacher information

Thank you for your interest in SEP's Cellular Construction Workshop. Please complete the form to the best of your ability. Applications are due Sunday, March 2, 2025 at 11:59 pm.

If you have any questions, please e-mail Sandra Arriaga and Jennifer Kaelin (SandraPatricia.Arriaga@ucsf.edu; Jennifer.Kaelin@ucsf.edu).
Contact Info
Please fill in the information below about yourself.
All the information in this section is required to enter your nomination(s).

School Information
The School field below is auto-suggest. Start typing in your school's name and select your school.

If your school's name is not found, type in the full name of the school, then enter the school district below.

Search for your school name using short search terms in the field above. If you can't find your school, click the checkbox below.

Please type your school name here.

Teaching Information

Hidden Fields

Short answer questions

Please select/list any professional development activities in which you have participated.

Comfort levels and prior Experience

Comfort level with content
How comfortable are you with....?
Not comfortable at all Comfortable Very comfortable

Teaching experience
How many lessons have you taught that included the following topics?
None Some Many
Session Availability

If you are a teacher in SFUSD, you can suggest students from your classes to join you for the Cellular Construction Workshop. By suggesting them, we keep an eye out for their application. We cannot guarantee that the students you suggest will be accepted.

You are responsible for sharing the student application with the students you suggest. The application can be found here: tfaforms.com/5092641

Invited Student Information
Please enter information for students you wish to invite to join you for the Cellular Construction Workshop (current 10th or 11th graders only).  You can list students (up to three students total) by clicking "List another student" on the bottom right of this form.
Invited Student Information

Only current 10th or 11th graders can be nominated for the Cellular Construction Workshop.

Connection to student
Select the grade level and subject that you are teaching or have taught the student.

If you have any difficulty submitting this form please e-mail Sandra Arriaga or Jennifer Kaelin at SandraPatricia.Arriaga@ucsf.edu or Jennifer.Kaelin@ucsf.edu.