BuildGreenCT Board Member roles include:
- Establish a strategic direction for the organization. Support the organizations's mission and purpose.
- Ensure necessary financial resources and provide financial oversight.
- Enhance the public standing of BuildGreenCT.
- Monitor programs and services. Ensure legal and ethical integrity.
- Provide guidance and support to the Executive Director.
BuildGreenCT Board Member responsibilities include:
BuildGreenCT has a working board of passionate, committed, and engaged members
- Board Members must be BuildGreenCT members in good standing with dues current.
- Board Members must participate in monthly meetings. The BuildGreenCT Board meets virtually on the third Tuesday of each month from 4:30-6:30pm. Board members are allowed two excused absences per calendar year.
- Board Members are encouraged and expected to co-chair and/or volunteer on committees or task forces.
- Board Members are encouraged to attend major BuildGreenCT events.
- Board members are expected to give an annual amount that would be considered meaningful to them.