Trail Ambassador Patrol Report
Volunteer Details
First Name
Last Name
Mobile Phone
Event Details
Date of Patrol
Total Number of Hours Patrolled
Patrol Route
Visitor Center to HW 880 and Back
Visitor Center to Alviso and Back
Visitor Center to Virginia Street and Back
Other Patrol Route
Patrol Distance
(If known)
Patrol Observations
Park and River Issues
ncludes broken tree limbs, homeless camps, trail hazards, wildlife, etc.)
(List a
ny graffiti sighted and the action taken along with the approximate location)
List any significant litter and the action taken along with the approximate location.)
Notable Interactions
(List h
ow many trail users did you interact with including: giving out maps, conversations, aid, answering questions, etc.)
Did you provide any documentation related to this report?
email, fax, hard copy, of: photos, forms, maps, hand-written notes, etc.)
Park User Estimate
About how many people did you see on your patrol? Please round up or down to the nearest 5.)
Additional Comments regarding your service?