UrbanEd Board Application

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Contact Details

Please tell us why you are interested in serving on Urban Ed, Inc.’s Board of Directors. What is it about Urban Ed that is compelling to you? Why Urban Ed and not one of the many nonprofits in Washington, D.C.?

How do you see yourself contributing to the growth and development of Urban Ed?

What would you like to get back from serving on the Urban Ed Board of Directors? How could serving as a Board Member further your professional or personal goals? How can we give back to you?

*Select all that apply to you.

This policy is a Give or Get policy, however, a cash contribution is still required from board members even if they Get funds or resources from others.

Please describe your volunteer work, including board experience. What organizations have you worked with and in what capacity? What did you contribute to the organization? What did you get back from the organization? (Note: if this information is included in your bio/CV, just note such and be sure to attach your bio/CV).

Please supply at least one reference from someone with whom you worked in an employment or volunteer capacity or as part of a team. Please provide their name, phone number and email.

*Note, should you be selected for membership, we prefer a bio so that we can include it on our board description materials, website and other materials referencing our board.

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