Legal Walk Registration Form

The same individual should complete the registration form and the risk assessment form. 

You must complete this form no later than 6 weeks prior to your scheduled event in order to access the Legal Walks branding and imagery, receive the Legal Walk organiser pack and to be eligible for our insurance. 
Event details

Primary organiser contact details

This is where all enquiries for your Legal Walk will be directed to, and will be displayed on our website as the contact email for your Legal Walk. Please ensure this is something you are happy with, and that this email address will be regularly monitored.

Events insurance
To be eligible for our insurance you must not:

a) Host a raffle at your scheduled fundraising event. 

b) Collect offline, cash donations at your scheduled fundraising event.

Social media
As the walk organiser you will be responsible for promoting your fundraising event. However, we would be grateful if you could provide details of relevant social media handles on Linkedin so we can extend a special thanks to you!