2024-2025 Instructional Leadership Academy - Supervisor Recommendation


Instructional Leadership Academy

Supervisor Recommendation Form

You are receiving this message because your direct report is applying to the Philadelphia Academy of School Leaders 2024-25 Instructional Leadership Academy. This program is designed to support high-potential Philadelphia principals to achieve their most significant school goals and deepen the skills necessary to drive growth in student outcomes. 

Learn more about the Instructional Leadership Academy at: www.phillyschoolleaders.org/ILA

In order to be eligible for admission, candidates must receive a recommendation from their immediate supervisor. The recommendation form is below. Thank you in advance for your time and support.

Recommendations must be submitted by Monday, September 30, 2024.

The ideal candidate is: 

* A current principal at a school in Philadelphia who is committed to staying in their role at least three more years and in the city of Philadelphia for the long term.

* A leader in a school with a positive culture and climate and is ready to focus on instruction.

* Hungry and poised to take their instructional program to the next level by quickly implementing new learning, and therefore, increase student growth and achievement

* Prepared to be pushed in their practice by a coach who will challenge and support them to get out of your comfort zone.

* Eager to coach teachers directly using a “research based teacher development framework” and develop a full blown coaching system.

* Ready to improve their use of professional learning time to maximize the impact on teacher practice.

* Excited to analyze quantitative and qualitative data to set goals, progress monitor, and strategically adjust plans for student learning.

* Able to manage their calendar and prioritize fulfilling all program commitments with fidelity (attending and actively engaging in all sessions and coaching).

Selection Criteria

The selection process identifies principals who are poised to take their instructional leadership skills and their schools’ performance to the next level. Successful candidates demonstrate an ability to: 

* Demonstrate a deep commitment to Philadelphia schools and students. 

* Reflect, accurately assess own strengths and growth areas, solicit candid feedback, and actively pursue ongoing growth opportunities.

* Hold self and others accountable for improving student outcomes based on a belief that all children can achieve at high levels.

* Create a safe, respectful, supportive, and inclusive environment that prepares all students, particularly students in poverty and students of color, to pursue and achieve their life aspirations.

* Use data to identify and prioritize problems, inform decisions, and implement effective solutions. 

* Facilitate student mastery of standards through data-driven instruction and effective instructional practices.

Recommendations must be submitted by Monday, September 30th.

Thank you again for your insight and support!

If you have any questions, please contact 

Matt Kelley, Program Director, matt@phillyschoolleaders.org.



2. In terms of absolute performance, where does the candidate fall in comparison to their peers in the following areas?