Marae Based Wānanga Grant Application Form

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Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

Before You Begin!

ENSURE YOU HAVE READ the Policy document, re funding and accountability requirements (refer website info page).
Please ensure you have a saved digital copy of:

  • Marae Bank Account Details (must show full bank account and name of account holder)
  • Clear Budget, outlining full cost of the Wananga, income/contributions, and grant sought.
  • A Letter of Approval from the Marae Trustees or Komiti Whakahaere, endorsed by the Marae Kaumatua (or a copy of the relevant minutes), (refer 5.3 of the Policy).
NOTE: Files must be saved as .pdf, .jpg or .png only.  You cannot upload other file types.

You cannot submit your application without uploading these documents!
Saving your Application

If you start your application and need to take a break, you will need to save your application form. 

This form will NOT save automatically.


To save your form, click on the ‘Save my progress and resume later’ box at the top or bottom of the application form screen. An email link to resume will be emailed to you. If you close the form without saving, your data will be lost.

Marae or Whanau Group Details
Contact Person Details
Marae Details

*Remember to include a letter of approval from the Marae Trustees or Komiti Whakahaere, this letter to also be endorsed by the Marae Kaumatua (upload document on page 5).
Saving your Application

If you start your application and need to take a break, you will need to save your application form. 

This form will NOT save automatically.


To save your form, click on the ‘Save my progress and resume later’ box at the top or bottom of the application form screen. If you close the form without saving, your data will be lost.

Wānanga Event Details

Saving your Application

If you start your application and need to take a break, you will need to save your application form. 

This form will NOT save automatically.


To save your form, click on the ‘Save my progress and resume later’ box at the top or bottom of the application form screen. If you close the form without saving, your data will be lost.

Participant Section
Enter Numbers Only
Enter Numbers Only
Enter Numbers Only
average per person
Enter Numbers Only - don't add $ symbol or spaces
Enter Numbers Only - don't add $ symbol or spaces

Financial Information

At the end of the form you will be asked to upload your Full Clear Budget, showing costs and income.

For guidance only, some cost items for your budget may include:

  • Tutor/Facilitators fees
  • Educational Resources and Materials (specify)
  • Printing/Office supplies
  • Catering
  • A fair & reasonable contribution to Marae overheads (e.g. power, cleaning)
  • Other relevant costs, itemised
Costs NOT covered include Marae Hire (this to be considered an in-kind contribution by the Marae.)

In your budget please show your Total Costs, as well as any Income, including Participants' contributions, to show your shortfall.

Enter Numbers Only - don't add $ symbol or spaces
Enter Numbers Only - don't add $ symbol or spaces
Enter Numbers Only - don't add $ symbol or spaces
Saving your Application

If you start your application and need to take a break, you will need to save your application form. 

This form will NOT save automatically.


To save your form, click on the ‘Save my progress and resume later’ box at the top or bottom of the application form screen. If you close the form without saving, your data will be lost.

Accountability Reporting

I understand that:

  • an Accountability Report shall be submitted for each completed Wānanga within thirty (30) days following the completion of the Wānanga.
  • grant funding not used within thirty (30) days of the proposed Wānanga will expire and cannot be carried over for other purposes (incuding other Wānanga not specified in this Application Form) without approval of the Board.
  • If the Wānanga is postponed or cancelled then the grant recipient will be required to repay the full amount to the Board within thirty (30) days of notification.
  • following each Wānanga, any grant funding not accounted for in the Accountability Report will be required to be returned to the Board by the applicant within thirty (30) days of submission of the Accountability Report.

Wānanga Evaluation 

  • You will need to provide feedback from all grant recipients via the approved evaluation forms (download here or from the Ngati Whakaue EETB Website).
  • A summary of any additional evaluation results would also be of interest to the Board.

I am expected to provide, on behalf of the organisation, an Accountability Report to the Board, including evaluation forms completed by participants. This report will also include a financial accountability report.

File Upload and Declaration
NOTE: PDF is the preferred document type for uploading, however you can upload JPG and PNG.
No other file types are accepted.
Evidence of MARAE bank account, clearly showing account holder name and number
Clear budget, outlining full cost of Wānanga, income/contributions, and grant sought
Letter of approval from the Marae Trustees or Komiti Whakahaere which is endorsed by the Marae Kaumatua.

Declaration by Applicant

Ngati Whakaue Education Endowment Trust Board complies with the Privacy Act 2020; this means information collected will only be used for a legitimate purpose that is associated with this grant application. I understand, and authorise, Ngati Whakaue Education Endowment Trust Board to collect, hold and use information about the organisation and myself for this purpose and to discuss  circumstances with the issuer of any supporting documentation, or any other organisation relevant to this application.

Information submitted by me may be used by the Board for statistical, reporting and the purposes of publicity.

I understand that this application may be declined if I fail to attach and complete all requested documents/information.

By ticking the Acknowledge Terms and Conditions box below I am agreeing to the above statement.
IMPORTANT: To complete your application you must click SUBMIT below. 

When you click the SUBMIT button your application will not be editable - please ensure you have checked your application fully.  Use the page numbers at the top of the form to go back, or the Previous Page and Next Page buttons below.  

The page may take time to process as it will be uploading your documents. Please be patient, DO NOT click refresh or use the back button on your browser.