Pro Bono Partner Offer of Services

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Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character
Matching Details

(Please use the project name provided by the LandAid Pro Bono team)

(Please tick all that apply)

(This helps to draw your attention to the relevant parts of our pro bono Code of Practice should you be matched with a project)

(This will change along the way but gives us a very rough indication against our targets)
Contact Details

And one last thing...

By answering this, you help us to understand how best to promote project opportunities.

NB: Corporate partner matching applications are currently dealt with on a first-come, first-served basis. We will be in touch shortly after receipt of this completed form. If your submission to be matched with a charity request is successful, we will begin by introducing you to their key contact person and asking you both to read our Code of Practice to lay out a framework for your working relationship. We will collect regular progress reports and, when you inform us that a project is completed, collect impact and satisfaction data from both you and the charity. Please keep records of the time that you spend providing free support.

Thank you for your support!
We encourage you to save a copy of your form before submitting. 

You will have an option to do this on the review page after clicking submit below.