
Application Form

Please submit your application by May 15, 2024. We must have at least 8 participants in order to go ahead with the trip. We can accommodate a maximum of 15 people. If more than 15 people apply, our selection process will prioritize a diverse cohort, considering relevant positions aligned with our work. There is a non-refundable deposit fee of $50 due at registration
Please note:
  • Do not use Internet Explorer to complete this form, as it will not allow for your payment to go through 
  • You will need a photo of your passport
  • You will need a headshot
General Information 

Professional Information 

Bio & Headshot
Please note: Your bio and headshot will be shared with the rest of the cohort, published on the OLAM website, and may be used for promotional purposes.

Emergency Contact Information

Dietary & Medical Needs

Group Participation 
There will be opportunities throughout the week for participants to lead components of the trip. We encourage you to take on at least one of the elements listed below. If you have ideas for additional components, please feel free to reach out to Amy at

Flight Information
If accepted, OLAM will provide you with detailed instructions on booking your flight to Kigali. In the meantime, please share with us your departure city so that we can facilitate connections with fellow participants who may be departing from the same city. 

Please share your social media links so that OLAM can tag you before and during the experience. 

Prior Knowledge 

Agreement & Understandings 

Payment Information
To secure your spot, there is a $50 non-refundable registration fee. Once accepted, you will be responsible for the remaining $5,450 program fee.