Application Form
Please submit your application by May 15, 2024.
We must have at least 8 participants in order to go ahead with the trip. We can accommodate a maximum of 15 people. If more than 15 people apply, our selection process will prioritize a diverse cohort, considering relevant positions aligned with our work.
There is a
non-refundable deposit fee of $50 due at registration
Please note:
Do not
use Internet Explorer to complete this form, as it will not allow for your payment to go through
You will need a photo of your passport
You will need a headshot
General Information
First Name
Last Name
Preferred Pronouns
Please select...
Please share your preference
Cell Phone
Home Address
Apartment #
Zip Code
Please upload a photo of your passport. Please ensure that it is valid for
6 months
after the day of entry into Rwanda.
Professional Information
Bio & Headshot
Please note: Your bio and headshot will be shared with the rest of the cohort, published on the OLAM website, and may be used for promotional purposes.
Please upload a recent headshot.
Please share a short biographical sketch of yourself written in the 3rd person. Include your current title and organization (
250-word limit).
Emergency Contact Information
Last Name
Phone Number
Relationship to you
Dietary & Medical Needs
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
Please explain.
All group lunches and dinners will be vegetarian meals at local restaurants (breakfast is included in the hotel stay). We can also provide participants with packed kosher lunches and dinners, prepared and delivered by Chabad in Rwanda, to be eaten at the restaurants. Would you like to receive these kosher meals?
Do you have any medical needs that could impact your trip to Rwanda?
Please list relevant details.
Do you have any allergies to food or medications?
Please list relevant details
Group Participation
There will be opportunities throughout the week for participants to lead components of the trip. We encourage you to take on at least one of the elements listed below. If you have ideas for additional components, please feel free to reach out to Amy at
Please indicate which trip components you are comfortable leading.
Reflection Session
Ice Breakers/Energizers
Jewish Learning Session
Yoga or Meditation
D'var Torah
Moderating a panel
Kabbalat Shabbat (of some kind)
Shabbat rituals at meals
Please specify.
Flight Information
If accepted, OLAM will provide you with detailed instructions on booking your flight to Kigali. In the meantime, please share with us your departure city so that we can facilitate connections with fellow participants who may be departing from the same city.
City of departure
Please share your social media links so that OLAM can tag you before and during the experience.
Instagram Handle
LinkedIn Page
Twitter/X Handle
Prior Knowledge
Please rate your current knowledge of Jewish and Israeli organizations working in international development and humanitarian aid.
Novice - Minimal knowledge
Beginner - Basic knowledge
Proficient - Good working & background knowledge
Advanced - Deep knowledge
Were you familiar with OLAM's work before learning of this trip?
Have you previously traveled to a developing country?
Please share where you have traveled and in what capacity.
Agreement & Understandings
I acknowledge that full participation in the program includes:
1) 3 pre-trip webinars, each 1.5 hours
2) 1 post-trip debrief webinar, 1.5 hours
3) The entire 6-day trip to Rwanda
4) Approximately 5-10 hours of prep work prior to the trip
5) Sharing about my experience with my organization and the greater Jewish community, through social media posts, and/or public writing and presentations
I understand that I will be responsible for the following expenses:
1) $5,500 program fee
2) Flight
3) $50 visa
4) Necessary vaccines and malaria pills
5) Additional health insurance
6) Souvenirs
7) Add-on excursions before or after the study trip
8) Cell phone plan
9) Any fees associated with flight upgrades, adding an additional leg to the flight, changes of dates, or cancellation fees for flights
10) $315 Cancellation fee if you cancel your participation
I grant OLAM permission to share my name, email, and bio with other study trip participants.
By electronically signing below, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to
OLAM's Waiver & Liability Release Form
I have read and agree to OLAM's
Safety and Respect Policy
Photo & Video Release:
use any photo/video that is taken of me during the study trip on OLAM's websites, in promotional materials, and on social media.
I understand that in the event that more than 15 people apply, my spot on the study trip cannot be guaranteed. OLAM's selection process will prioritize a diverse cohort, considering relevant positions aligned with our work.
By electronically signing below I certify that all information contained in this application is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Payment Information
To secure your spot, there is a
$50 non-refundable
registration fee. Once accepted, you will be responsible for the remaining $5,450 program fee.
Name on Card
Card Number
Billing Email
Contact Information