Mandated Annual Food Donations Reporting Form for The City and County of San Francisco 

State law SB 1383 requires your organization to report the total amount (in pounds) of donated surplus edible food (meaning unsold, leftover food that would otherwise go to waste) collected or received from businesses and institutions (grocery stores, wholesalers, restaurants, cafeterias, universities, etc.) in 2023 to the City and County of San Francisco. In order to be in compliance with the law, please fill out this form no later than July 15, 2024. It should take no longer than 10 minutes and individual responses will be kept confidential.

Even if your organization does NOT engage in collecting and/or redistributing food, please fill out the form so we can update our database and mark your organization as compliant. Your responses help us determine how to better support food recovery operations in the future: We highly value your feedback as an organization making vital contributions to feeding community members in need. 

For more information about SB 1383, please visit San Francisco Environment Department’s website. If you have any questions about the law or this reporting form, please contact or call (415) 355-3768.

Por favor, contacte a SF Environment al o (415) 355-3768 para obtener más información en español.  

請聯繫或者致電(415) 355-3768以獲取更多關於影響您生意的這一條新的州法例的信息.

Please write "N/A" if your organization does not have a website.

Please indicate the best contact person for surplus edible food recovery, i.e. picking up or receiving donations of surplus (unsold, leftover) food from businesses or institutions (universities, hospitals, etc.), and/or distributing it to other organizations or to individuals.

In this survey, food recovery (or food redistribution) activities refer to picking up or receiving donations of surplus edible food (unsold, leftover food that would otherwise be disposed of) from commercial businesses (grocery stores, restaurants, etc) or institutions (universities, hospitals, etc.), in order to distribute it to other organizations or to individuals. It does not include food drives, food that your organization purchases, or food provided by government programs such as USDA Tefap or CalFood.
The following questions are about your organization's food recovery activity between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023.

This does not include food purchased by your organization or individuals (food drives), or food received via government programs such as USDA Tefap or CalFood.

Please answer yes if your organization physically transported food (picked up or dropped off) from a business to a food distribution program, provided services to arrange edible food recovery, for example through an online platform (e.g. Food Donation Connection), or arranged for other agencies or programs to pick up food from your organization.

Check all that apply. Include organizations you have a partnership with even if they did not physically deliver food to your organization (e.g. Food Donation Connection).

This DOES NOT include food transported by a food recovery service (Food Runners, SF Marin Food Bank, etc)

This does NOT include food transported by a food recovery service (ie - SF Marin Food Bank, Replate, Food Runners, etc). Please provide an estimated number in pounds (lbs) to the best of your ability.

Commercial Donor Information 2023 (5 or less donors)

Please provide the name of each location donating to your organization, for example Grocery Outlet Visitacion Valley, Hyatt Fisherman Wharfs, Veritable Vegetable, Bon Appétit at Google, etc.

Please answer YES even if your agreement has been established via a third-party partner, service or app (e.g. Food Bank, Food Donation Connection, etc.). Note that SB1383 now requires some businesses to sign written agreements for edible food recovery.

Quantity must be in pounds. Do NOT include pounds transported by another food recovery organization or service like Food Runners or the Food Bank, only food collected or received directly from donors. Close estimates are OK.

Online map of food recovery organizations in San Francisco

The San Francisco Department of the Environment's website includes an online map of food recovery organizations potentially accepting donations of surplus edible food and open to new partnerships with donors. 

Note that being on the map does not guarantee that you will be contacted for additional donations, but only provides your information to potential donors. You may always refuse donations that do not fit your needs. You can also be removed from the map at any point at your request.

Note that being on the map does not guarantee that you will be contacted for additional donations, but only provides your information to potential donors. You may refuse donations that do not fit your needs. You can also be removed from the map at any point at your request.
Updates for the Online Map

(specify in lbs, pallets/boxes, or number of servings)

(specify in lbs, pallets/boxes, or number of servings)

Please answer YES even if you can only pick up food under certain conditions (timing, location, etc.)

The following questions focus on your current edible food recovery (redistribution) activity. Your answers may help the City and County of San Francisco and the State of California provide resources and funding for your organization. Please answer to the best of your ability. Your responses will be confidential and only consolidated results may be used at the City and County level.

Reminder: The questions refer to the donations of surplus edible food (unsold or leftover food that would otherwise go to waste) you receive from food recovery services or directly from businesses or institutions (universities, hospitals, etc.). Food recovery does not include food drives, food that your organization purchases or food provided by government programs such as USDA Tefap or CalFood.

*Note that as of January 1, 2024, large hotels, restaurants, cafeterias, health facilities, schools, and venues and events are required to donate their surplus edible food. As a result, more prepared foods are available for donations (individually packaged or bulk, hot or cold).

Fee For Service Model

Future Development Of Your Food Recovery Activities (10-Year Planning)
State law SB1383 requires that local jurisdictions establish a plan for edible food recovery over a 10-year period: 2025-2034. The next question addresses your organization's future edible food recovery activities during this period of time. Your answer will help the City and County of San Francisco in its edible food recovery capacity planning efforts (as part of SB1383 compliance), which might include securing additional resources for future edible food recovery activities. Please answer to the best of your ability.