Contact us with an inquiry or question

Do you have questions about starting, governing, managing or operating a nonprofit organization? Were you unable to find answers in our FAQs or capacity-building resources?

The ASU Lodestar Center strives to be responsive to inquiries about the nonprofit sector. Please use the form below to send a question to our experts. Our team will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.
We are currently seeking highly skilled and experienced Knowledge Specialists to help advance our Center’s capacity building and educational portfolio, especially for several upcoming courses and training opportunities. If interested, please fill out the interest form below.

Following a vetting process, qualified candidates will be invited for an interview that may include a presentation of teaching approaches, evidence of success with providing consulting services, etc.

If you have any questions or for additional information, please contact us at (602) 496-0500 or via email at

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

If you would like more information on any of our Nonprofit Management Institute courses, certificates, webinars, or anything else NMI-related, please fill out the following form and we will contact you as soon as possible (usually with 24-48 hours).

The ASU Lodestar Center provides consulting services for nonprofit and public organizations in need of customized, individual support on specific capacity building challenges. On a contractual basis, the Center works with organizations to develop a specialized scope of work to accelerate change. Complete this form to share your needs and start the conversation.

Through our Service Enterprise diagnostic, team training and one-on-one coaching, we strengthen the capacity of organizations to strategically and effectively address organizational and community needs.

Is your organization ready to join the next cohort at the ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation? Or is your organization considering reaccreditation? Get started by completing this form.
Contact information

Organization Mailing Address

Become a Knowledge Specialist

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